The Maharishi School's peaceful, harmonious environment is created by the students' twice daily practice of Transcendental Meditation.
by Global Good News staff writer
5 December 2008
Experience the harmonious and blissful Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in the heartland of America, Fairfield, Iowa. This unique school is featured in a 40-minute documentary by filmmaker Tony Perri, founder of Perri Productions and Perri Pictures. The film is an adventure into Maharishi School featuring its students and teachers as well as Hollywood director David Lynch, pop artist Donovan, and Grammy nominee Moby, who are touring the world promoting the system of education—Consciousness-Based Education—which has made the Maharishi School such a great success.
The three celebrities offer Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation as the means to creating schools in which the students are harmonious, more focussed, happier, and freed from the stress which can lead to societal problems such as drug abuse and violence. Maharishi School, where students practise Transcendental Meditation together twice daily, serves as a model, being a most peaceful school (grades K-12) and a school which excels academically and in athletic and other forms of competition. The upper level students consistently rank in the top 1% nationally on standardized tests, and annually win state athletic championships.
In this documentary you hear from the students themselves who will tell you that they enjoy being in school and that 'the purpose of life is to be happy and you will accomplish so much more if you're happy, and just meditating twice a day can really help you accomplish that.' Also hear from faculty and parents who are moved by the harmonious, loving relationships of Maharishi School children.
You will take an intriguing tour of the boys' and girls' meditation rooms, as well as the Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge on the nearby Maharishi University of Management campus where the Fairfield community comes together twice a day for group practice of Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying.
The School of Thought DVD can be ordered by calling 303-717-7267.
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