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The goal of Maharishi Vedic Science is to allow everyone on earth to live their birthright—life in accord with Natural Law—and thereby avoid the mistakes that bring suffering to individuals and to the world as a whole.



Comparison of modern science with Maharishi’s Vedic Science
Part 1
by Global Good News staff writer
10 December 2008

In his book Maharishi Vedic University: Introduction, Maharishi made a comparison between the principles of gaining knowledge in modern science and Vedic Science. These are presented below: 

Modern Science
    •         utilizes only the objective approach to gaining knowledge—a fragmented approach.

Vedic Science
    •         utilizes simultaneously objective and subjective approaches to gaining knowledge—an integrated approach.

Modern Science
    •         utilizes a fragmented approach to gaining knowledge, which can never reveal total reality.

Vedic Science
    •         utilizes an integrated approach, which alone can unfold Total Knowledge and practically actualize it.

Modern Science
    •         provides knowledge of the objective aspect of reality.

Vedic Science
    •         provides total knowledge of objective and subjective aspects of Reality—total value of life—inner (subjective) and outer (objective).


Modern Science
    •         provides knowledge of the known.

Vedic Science
    •         provides complete knowledge of the knower, the process of knowledge, and the known.


Modern Science
    •         provides knowledge of the objects in the waking state of consciousness.

Vedic Science
    •         provides knowledge of the seven states of consciousness and the seven worlds of the seven states of consciousness—waking, dreaming, sleeping state of consciousness; Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness. It is obvious that each state of consciousness has its own world. Maharishi's Vedic Science is the complete science of all seven states of consciousness and of all their corresponding worlds.


Modern Science
    •         makes all knowledge available in a campus.

Vedic Science
    •         makes the fruit of all knowledge lively in every brain—life according to Natural Law, life without mistakes, life without stress and suffering—life in the increasing waves of success and fulfilment.


Modern Science
    •         provides incomplete and fragmented knowledge of Natural Law. As life is holistic, it cannot be completely lived on the basis of incomplete knowledge—A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
    •         incomplete knowledge of Natural Law does not harness the complete evolutionary power of Natural Law. This results in the continuous violation of the holistic value of Natural Law, which impedes progress and even destroys life.

Vedic Science
    •         provides complete and holistic knowledge of Natural Law to gain the support of Natural Law, bringing life in accordance with Natural Law, resulting in the spontaneous ability to live full evolutionary value of Natural Law in daily life.


Modern Science
    •         does not provide the source and goal of knowledge.

Vedic Science
    •         makes the source, course, and goal of all knowledge lively in everyone's awareness.


Modern Science
    •         puts man on a never-ending pursuit of knowledge, which does not satisfy the thirst for knowledge, thus leading to perpetual dissatisfaction, frustration, and stress in life.

Vedic Science
    •         delivers the fruit of all knowledge to everyone—life free from mistakes and suffering—life in fulfilment in the state of Unity Consciousness, with the ability to know anything, do anything, and accomplish anything.

Excellence in Action will present a second article with a continuing comparison of principles of modern and Maharishi's Vedic Science.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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