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Ancient Vedic Science and modern science describe the same ultimate reality of creation, the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, but Vedic Science has the practical techniques to utilize this knowledge to unfold the full creative potential of life.



Comparison of Modern Science with Maharishi’s Vedic Science
Part 2
by Global Good News staff writer
12 December 2007

In his book Maharishi Vedic University: Introduction, Maharishi made a comparison between the principles of gaining knowledge in modern science and Vedic Science. Please also see the first article about this comparison. 

Modern science
• provides intellectual understanding of Natural Law, but does not unfold the ability to live life spontaneously according to the Laws of Nature; as a result, one continuously violates the Laws of Nature.
Vedic Science
• enlivens the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature—the Samhita or holistic level of total Natural Law—in human awareness resulting in thought and action spontaneously in accordance with Natural Law.

Modern Science
• results in everyone having to struggle to accomplish anything.
Vedic Science
• develops the ability to fulfil one's desires by mere intention.

Modern Science
• develops limited creativity and intelligence.
Vedic Science
• develops full creativity and intelligence in everyone.

Modern Science

• renders life to be lived on the basis of incomplete knowledge—ignorance and lack of fulfilment.
Vedic Science
• renders life to be lived on the basis of complete knowledge—enlightenment and fulfilment.

Modern Science

• engages man's interest in discovering isolated values of Natural Law, but does not offer him mastery of all the Laws of Nature.
Vedic Science
• makes a man a master of Natural Law by bringing his awareness in alignment with the Unified Field of Natural Law—the Samhita, or togetherness, of Rishi, Devata, and Chhandas, the knower, process of knowing, and known.

Modern Science
• holds a view that all knowledge cannot be grasped by any one individual and, under the grip of this self-defeating principle of education, continues to offer more and more specialized knowledge to the individual.
Vedic Science
• upholds human brain physiology to be the hardware of a cosmic computer, which can deliver anything and everything through proper programming.

Modern Science
• offers through each discipline, like physics, chemistry, physiology, and others, focus on one area, and allegedly offers all possibilities in that cherished, isolated area.
Vedic Science
• offers through each single discipline, like Maharishi Jyotish, Yoga, Maharishi Yagya, and others, unfoldment of the full creative potential of life, and offers all possibilities not only in the present, but also in the future.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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