Maharishi Ayur-Veda enlivens the source of health, the Self, the home of total Natural Law.
by Global Good News staff writer
1 February 2008
Students interested in promoting good health for themselves and their communities now have recourse to new knowledge and technologies, which are natural and effective.
Progressive change in ideas and technologies is natural to life. Looking at the evolution of health care today, Maharishi Ayur-Veda stands on the leading edge of an effective, natural health care, offering new effective knowledge and technologies to face the far-reaching challenges of modern life and its effect on the physiology.
This revival by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of the ancient Vedic system of health and longevity is growing in popularity and recognition, as it offers a successful alternative for prevention and cure. In fact, last fall, 58 new Maharishi Hospitals and Colleges of Vedic Medicine were inaugurated around the world in a global endeavour to end world suffering and disease and promote healthy enlightened living.
What are the outstanding features of Maharishi Ayur-Veda? How does it differ from modern Western medicine? With what unique knowledge and technologies does Maharishi Ayur-Veda approach maintenance of health and long life, and also, prevention and cure of disease? What is the source of its effectiveness and reliability?
To summarize concisely, whereas modern Western medicine focuses on the body and on treating the physical symptoms of disease, Maharishi Ayur-Veda goes to the very source of disease and treats the underlying intelligence of the body. This innate intelligence of the body is known as Natural Law, or Veda. The word Veda means Total Knowledge, and refers to the holistic inner intelligence at the source of the mind, body, and the whole universe. Other terms for Veda are total Natural Law.
In his book, Maharishi Forum of Natural Law and National Law for Doctors, Maharishi explains that, ‘Life as a whole and every level of life is governed by law; the orderly evolution of the entire ever-expanding universe is governed and upheld by Natural Law.’ Similarly the human body is governed by Natural Law. When Natural Law is fully functioning in the body, then one enjoys perfect health.
In a simple example, the smooth functioning of digestion depends on the intake of proper amounts and kinds of foods, taken at the right time. If one overeats or eats the wrong food, then dis-ease occurs. Even if one does not know that he is eating wrong, still there is a reaction and ill health occurs. If one eats the right food at the right time, in correct quantities, then one enjoys good digestion. This is a simple example of acting in accord with Natural Law to maintain health.
Maharishi explains that ‘ill health is fundamentally due to violation of Natural Law caused by lack of knowledge of Natural Law’. This weakens the individual and also creates stress in society. If one continuously goes against Natural Law, then chronic disease may follow.
Maharishi Ayur-Veda outlines daily and seasonal routines for living in accord with Natural Law. It also offers a complete knowledge of diet and digestion, based on different body types. Following the correct routines and diets, according to one’s body type, is an easy way to insure good health and prevent most disease.
Most important, Maharishi Ayur-Veda recommends simple techniques for aligning one’s consciousness and physiology with the inner intelligence of Total Knowledge, which runs the body and the universe. This is the source of its effectiveness and reliability. Maharishi Ayur-Veda is not a man-made system for attaining perfect health. Maharishi Ayur-Veda has its roots in Total Knowledge of Natural Law, itself. It outlines ways for the individual to re-align his intelligence and the intelligence of the body with Total Knowledge. Then, spontaneously, the individual does not violate Natural Law; he enjoys thought and action, which is spontaneously right and evolutionary for himself and his environment.
In this way, Maharishi Ayur-Veda addresses the whole person, not just the body, or an isolated part of the body. Maharishi explains that health is wholeness. In the ancient Sanskrit language of India, the word for health is Swasthya, meaning established in the Self, wholeness, coming from the root, Swa, which means the Self, or inner consciousness of everyone, which is the home of Total Knowledge. For total health, the whole person— mind, body, emotions, and environment—needs to be perfectly integrated and in harmony with everything else. This can only be achieved by knowing one’s Self, the field of total Natural Law, complete harmony and inner fulfilment.
Thus Maharishi Ayur-Veda upholds, first and foremost, the techniques for bringing attention within, knowing one’s Self, and aligning oneself with total Natural Law. This is easily accomplished through the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique and advanced programme, the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying. During the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, one brings one’s awareness to a deep level of inner silence. In this silent level of consciousness, one is wide awake to one’s Self, the home of Total Knowledge. Through one’s lively attention, one enlivens Total Knowledge. Natural law wakes up.
Maharishi: ‘When the total intelligence of Natural Law is fully awake in every part of the physiology, then Maharishi’s Vedic Approach to Health enjoys fulfilment. In this balanced state of health there is perfect synchrony between the functioning of every individual cell, the holistic functioning of the whole body, and between the intelligence of the individual parts of the physiology, the holistic intelligence of the physiology, and Cosmic Intelligence, which manages the whole universe. With this complete integration, all thought and action are spontaneously in harmony with Natural law and the individual naturally enjoys good health.’
In other words, one aligns one’s awareness and physiology with the total intelligence of Natural Law. By fully integrating every cell with Cosmic Intelligence, all aspects of the physiology improve, as does mental clarity, and emotional well-being. There have been numerous research studies, published in six volumes of collected papers, which review the extensive benefits for health from practicing Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme.
Moreover, one grows in the value of higher states of consciousness and enjoys growing enlightenment—life lived in accord with Natural Law, in fulfilment, happiness, and peace. According to Maharishi Ayur-Veda, only in the state of enlightenment, can one enjoy perfect health. Maharishi: ‘A perfectly healthy person lives in the state of enlightenment, with the natural ability to spontaneously use the total organizing power of Natural law to accomplish any goal without strain.’
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