Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation is the most widely practised and extensively researched programme for the development of full potential of mind and body.
Excerpts from David Lynch Foundation, USA
9 January 2008
James Krag, M.D., Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, president of the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatrists, and medical director of the Valley Community Services Board in Staunton,
Virginia remarked: 'Just as there are many kinds of medication, there are also many approaches that are termed ''meditation.'' The vast majority of the research on meditation has been on Maharishi's Transcendental
Meditation—and the findings clearly indicate that Transcendental Meditation works better than other researched mental techniques to promote health.
'If research shows that a specific medication helps treat a disorder, it would be irresponsible and illogical to conclude that all medications help treat that disorder. In the same way, research on Transcendental Meditation should not be generalized to include other techniques also called ''meditation.'' We should intelligently choose what works and what is supported by research. Therefore I strongly
support the introduction specifically of Transcendental Meditation into our nation's schools and health care systems.'
Hundreds of scientific studies have been conducted on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program at more than 200 independent universities and research institutions worldwide in the past 35 years, and the National Institutes of Health has awarded over $20 million to research the prevention-oriented health benefits of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation program. Findings have been published in leading, peer-reviewed scientific journals, including The American
Journal of Cardiology and the American Heart Association's Hypertension and Stroke.
Published research on the Transcendental Meditation program in educational settings has shown a wide range of practical benefits for both students and teachers. Benefits for students include decreased stress and stress-related disorders, reduced substance abuse, increased
intelligence, increased learning ability, improved memory, improved academic performance, and improved standardized test scores. Benefits for teachers include decreased stress and stress-related disorders,
decreased anxiety, reduced substance abuse, increased creativity, improved job satisfaction, improved interpersonal relationships, and reduced health care utilization and costs.
Recent Research
'Reduced High Blood Pressure among High School Students' by Vernon A. Barnes, Ph.D., research scientist, Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta. Published in the American Journal of
Hypertension, April 2004.
This study found reduced blood pressure among 100 high school students practicing the Transcendental Meditation program compared with little or no change in the control group at the conclusion of the 8-month study. The study demonstrates the potential beneficial impact of
Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation upon cardio-vascular functioning in youth.
'Reduced Stress, Increased Happiness among Middle School Students' by Rita Benn, Ph.D., director of education, Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research Center, University of Michigan. This study was
presented to the International Center for Integration of Health and Spirituality at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.
Two studies found evidence that the practice of the Transcendental Meditation program positively affects emotional development in early adolescent African American children in a school setting where its
practice is supported by the administration.
The David Lynch Foundation provides funds for in-school 'Quiet Time' programs utilizing the stress-reducing Transcendental Meditation technique. In the past year, the Foundation has provided millions of dollars for thousands of students, teachers, and parents to learn to
meditate. The Foundation also provides funds for independent research institutions to assess the effects of the program on creativity, intelligence, brain functioning, academic performance, ADHD and other learning disorders, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.
Copyright 2007 David Lynch Foundation.