by Global Good News staff writer
23 January 2008
In the last American College Testing (ACT) survey, which happens every ten years—and is due again in 2008— Maharishi University of Management graduates were found to be more satisfied with their education than other students in over 1,000 participating U.S. colleges and universities.
Why are students at Maharishi University of Management so satisfied with their education? The answer can be seen in the scientific research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness-Based Education:
Universal Application
Research on the Transcendental Meditation programme shows that it is effective for students of all ages, whether studying at the elementary, secondary, college or postgraduate levels. Regular practice of the technique brings improved learning ability, decreased stress and tension, and greater self-development.
Improved Learning Ability
Scientific research verifies that the Transcendental Meditation programme develops increasing use of the total brain. Students practising the Transcendental Meditation enjoy:
* Development of hidden brain reserves, greater creativity, higher IQ
* More efficiency in learning new concepts, improved academic achievement, better grades
* Improved standardized test scores on general academic achievement, social studies, literary materials, reading, mathematics, language, and work study skills.
Students who practice the Transcendental Meditation programme enjoy increasingly happy, healthy, problem-free lives. Spontaneously they are able to fulfill their own interests while upholding the interests of others—the basis of ideal citizenship. Research confirms that students experience increased strength of self-concept, more self-actualization, greater tolerance, and broader comprehension.
The Transcendental Meditation technique is easily taught in any educational setting through the Consciousness-Based education programme.
The following are the results of the last American College Testing (ACT) survey:
Would you choose this college again?
Percentage responding “definitely yes:”
* 73% Maharishi University alumni
* 32% Other colleges’ alumni — National norm
How well did this college prepare you for your continuing education?
Percentage responding “exceptionally well:”
* 66% Maharishi University alumni
* 12% Other colleges’ alumni — National norm
How well did this college prepare you for your present occupation?
Percentage responding “very well:”
* 64% Maharishi University alumni
* 29% Other colleges’ alumni — National norm
How well did this college prepare you for caring for your own physical and mental health?
Percentage responding “very much:”
* 86% Maharishi University alumni
* 22% Other colleges’ alumni — National norm
How well did this college prepare you for working cooperatively in a group?
Percentage responding “very much:”
* 78% Maharishi University alumni
* 43% Other colleges’ alumni — National norm
How well did this college prepare you for speaking effectively?
Percentage responding “very much:”
* 72% Maharishi University alumni
* 39% Other colleges’ alumni — National norm
How well did this college prepare you for working independently?
Percentage responding “definitely yes:”
* 67% Maharishi University alumni
* 51% Other colleges’ alumni — National norm
Has this college education improved your quality of life?
Percentage responding “definitely yes:”
* 90% Maharishi University alumni
* 67% Other colleges’ alumni — National norm
For more information about Consciousness-Based Education please visit:
http://maharishi education/index.html
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