Students prolong their energy and vitality through Maharishi Ayur Veda.
by Global Good News staff writer
26 January 2008
Students today, enjoying the endless energy and physical stamina of youth are now learning that there is a way to maintain their good health and vitality, far into their mature years. Maharishi Ayur-Veda has become a popular tool, used by young and old and by healthy and ill alike, to promote and maintain good health.
Maharishi Ayur Veda refers to the revival, by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, of the ancient and complete knowledge (Veda) of life (Ayur). Maharishi Ayur Veda offers an entirely new approach to health, based on an ancient system of life from the Vedic tradition in India. This ancient approach is health-oriented, rather than disease-oriented. Focusing on enlivening the full intelligence of the body, Maharishi Ayur-Veda offers a way to maintain health and prevent imbalances, way before these imbalances lead to disease.
Whereas students and young adults of the past may have had little interest in the old approach of disease-oriented health-care, today they are enthusiastically turning to Maharishi Ayur-Veda. Using these ancient recommendations for daily and seasonal routine and diet, young adults are starting early to cultivate healthy habits and to enliven the inner intelligence of their body and mind. Through Maharishi Ayur-Veda they have found an exquisitely complete and intelligent way to maintain balance so that their later years will be healthy, vital, enlightened ones.
Dr Nancy Lonsdorf, author of A Woman’s Best Medicine, points out that ‘good health is such a natural part of our lives that we often pay attention to it only when we don’t have it.’ In the past, it was only when one was already ill, that one began to attend to the illness and try to correct the imbalance. Past health care focused on disease care, diagnosing and treating the symptoms of disease. It was medicine based.
In his book, Maharishi Forum of Natural Law and National Law for doctors, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, points out the need for health care that goes beyond the medicine-predominant approach to health.
Maharishi: ‘The centuries-old, medicine-predominant approach to health has failed to eliminate sickness and suffering; this is because medicine alone is too superficial to influence all the innumerable values that constitute the structure of life and its evolution.’
Fortunately, through Maharishi Ayur-Veda, also referred to as Maharishi’s Vedic Approach to Health, health care is now shifting its focus to enlivening the underling intelligence that maintains life and evolution.
Maharishi: ‘The effectiveness of Maharishi’s Vedic Approach to Health lies in the ability of the programme to enliven the total intelligence of Natural Law within the physiology and thereby integrate the functioning of all aspects of body and mind. As a result, thought, behaviour, tastes, and tendencies become more integrated and balanced and spontaneously move in harmony with Natural Law, which is the basis of good health.’
The term ‘Natural Law’ refers to the totality of all the Laws of Nature, which are found everywhere, administering the smooth functioning of the universe, from the evolution of a tiny seed into a tree, to the revolving of the planets around the sun, or the development of a life from infancy to mature adult. Everywhere there are Laws of Nature governing the evolution of life. Maharishi Ayur Veda offers a variety of technologies to align one’s life with the intelligence of Total Natural Law. The full awakening of the body’s intelligence brings about a state of perfect health and happiness.
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