Students of Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education gain the seed of all knowledge within the silent depth of their own Transcendental Consciousness.
by Global Good News staff writer
22 January 2008
Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Trinidad and Tobago, Haiti, USA, Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and India are among the many countries around the world where Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education is now successfully established. These Consciousness-Based Educational programmes are dramatically enriching the effectiveness of standard education and, more important, are bringing fulfilment, inner peace, and happiness to its students.
What is Consciousness-Based Education and why is it so effective?
Consciousness-Based Education refers to a new educational approach, introduced by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This system of education adds the missing element to existing education by offering students the technique to expand their creativity and intelligence. Through the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, students open their awareness to the inner reservoir of energy, intelligence, and peace within. They know their Self, the Unified Field of Consciousness, which is the basis of all knowledge.
Whereas ordinary education is information-based, providing students with information. Consciousness-Based Education focuses first and foremost on expanding the container of knowledge, the student’s own consciousness. As the student enjoys increased alertness and wakeful consciousness, his receptivity to knowledge increases. Learning without stress and strain improves grades and enjoyment of diverse subjects increases.
On January 8, 2008, in an article on Global Good News, entitled Frequently asked questions on Consciousness-Based Education explained:
‘Education is the main way we try to develop the most important natural resource of our nation—the intelligence and creativity of young people. Consciousness-Based Education enables any school to fulfil this responsibility by systematically developing the creativity and intelligence of students so that regardless of their prior education or their background they can experience increasing success day by day. This is accomplished through effective, proven educational methodologies, featuring Transcendental Meditation.‘
All subjects are found in the student’s Self
Consciousness-Based Education provides direct experience of the basis of all knowledge, the consciousness of the student. In addition Consciousness-Based Education also provides theoretical knowledge of the unified basis of all disciplines within the student's own consciousness, also referred to as the Self.
During the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, students experience the Self, the Unified Field of Consciousness at the source of thought. After meditation, during class, students learn to relate knowledge from all the disciplines of modern education to this Unified Field of consciousness within. As a result, students feel at home with all knowledge; everything is just a different facet of the one Unified Field, the student’s own Self.
Even advanced scientific theory becomes understandable in light of the student’s experiences and understanding of the Unified Field of Consciousness. Learning becomes interesting and personal—a fascinating way to explore different expressions of one’s own Self.
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