Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Maharishi advised students to unfold their full potential through Transcendental Meditation, and thereby spontaneously contribute to making their nation invincible.



'My advice to students'—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
by Global Good News staff writer
29 July 2008

Published in his book Enlightenment and Invincibility in 1978, when he first started talking about creating invincibility for every nation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi outlined the benefits a student can gain from the practice of Transcendental Meditation.

Maharishi began: 'For all students, I have just one practical advice: practise the Transcendental Meditation Technique. Just a few minutes of Transcendental Meditation every morning and evening and you will be very alert. Then you will gain knowledge so quickly that you will be an expert in every field.

'Such alertness is possible only on the basis of freedom from fatigue and freedom from stress and laziness. Through Transcendental Meditation the mind becomes so sharp and brilliant that the student's full genius is demonstrated in all his actions.

'Every human being has an unlimited amount of genius hidden within him. Transcendental Meditation unfolds this entire potential and makes it possible for every student to live the genius in his daily life.

'Every student has heard of great men in his nation, in his city, in his neighbourhood. All these great men have developed a successful level of life by developing the habit of alertness right from their student days.

'Alertness is a completely natural thing. The mind is alert when it is fresh, and dull when it is tired. That is natural. The Science of Creative Intelligence and its practical aspect, the Transcendental Meditation Technique, develop the mind's creativity. The natural result is powerful thoughts, which lead to successful action and fulfilment.

'The teacher of the Science of Creative Intelligence will give you some lessons and you will learn to experience the creative genius hidden within yourself. It is a very great necessity that every student should know that by being great himself, he can bring greatness to his country.

'An ideal student is one who is very, very alert mentally, and orderly in his ways. In his behaviour he always shows respect and courtesy, and naturally does not do anything that he knows to be wrong.

'Through Transcendental Meditation every student can develop his full potential and culture his mind and body in such a way that he enjoys perfect health.  In this Age of Enlightenment* no student should even know what sickness is.

'When the mind and body are the most alert in action, then the student is at his peak. He is so alert that he is impenetrable to influences from the outside that could harm him. Every student should know that when he is not feeling well he is contributing to the ill health of the nation.

'In this Age of Enlightenment, it is obligatory for every student to prepare himself to be an ideal citizen of his country. A student makes his nation invincible by taking care of himself and doing everything necessary to be an ideal person.

'To behave in an ideal manner is very easy now because of the Transcendental Meditation Programme. Every student can make use of the infinite storehouse of intelligence hidden within himself and take full advantage of this Age of Enlightenment. Every student should become a proud citizen of the Age of Enlightenment.

'You should understand,' Maharishi emphasized, 'that by developing your own personality to the maximum extent through Transcendental Meditation, you will spontaneously make a major contribution to make your nation invincible, and to bring invincibility to every nation in the world.'

* The Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment, a time of better quality of life for everyone on earth, was inaugurated by Maharishi on 12 January 1975, after it was found that in cities where 1% of the population practises the Transcendental Meditation Technique, there is a marked decrease in the crime rate, hospital admissions, accidents and other negative trends in society. This phenomenon was named by the scientists conducting the research as the Maharishi Effect.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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