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During Transcendental Meditation, the home of all the Laws of Nature is enlivened in our awareness and in the environment, helping to restore the evolutionary flow of Nature.



Maharishi's Vedic Science reveals how to restore the flow of Nature
by Global Good News staff writer
31 July 2008

31 May 2008 marked the deadline for students interested in winning a Patricia M. McNamara Memorial Scholarship for $1000. I sent the question to my niece and nephew hoping that they would win. The essay question intrigued me: ‘Describe one major event that you feel has disrupted the flow of nature.’

I imagined that students submitted essays on the use of fossil fuels and global warming. Perhaps some wrote on the destruction of rain forests, or on genetically modified seeds and crops. Others may have written on major oil spills, the atom bomb, or the introduction of chemical fertilizers. Perhaps others focused on the dangers of nuclear power plants, or nuclear warfare, or even the development of pharmaceuticals with harmful side effects. 

I asked myself, ‘What would I write, in the light of what I know about Maharishi’s Vedic Science?” What one event, more than any other, has disrupted the flow of nature; and what knowledge can restore it?’

Answering this question from the perspective of Maharishi’s Vedic Science expands one’s vision. Instead of attending to the numerous mistakes and assaults to our environment, one steps back and sees one major event, giving rise to all the other smaller obstructions to the balanced flow of nature.

That one event is the mistake of the intellect—a change in perspective—when man took his vision from unity to diversity, from wholeness to isolated, fragmented knowledge. When mankind lost the wholeness of Total Knowledge and instead directed his vision, thought, and action to benefit the part at the expense of the whole, that is when he disrupted the flow of nature. 

This is because nature, from the perspective of Maharishi’s Vedic Science, is one whole, one Totality, which includes all life, all physical creation, and man himself. Always, in every case that man disrupted the flow of nature in some specific instance, it was because his vision was not expanded enough to take in the whole—to see the far-reaching consequences of his actions.

In his book, Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi explains that every action affects the whole creation. Therefore, to take action that is universally beneficial to all levels of creation, one must think and act fully in accord with all the Laws of Nature. This may sound impossible since man does not even know all the Laws of Nature. The disciplines of chemistry, biology, physics, botany, astronomy, etc., have only uncovered a small portion of these Laws of Nature. Often, a new law is discovered only after man violates it.

The good news is that there is a simple solution for returning the flow of nature to its right and evolutionary direction. One does not have to intellectually know all the Laws of Nature to act in harmony with them. One only has to bring one’s awareness to the home of all the Laws of Nature.

Maharishi explains that all the Laws of Nature exist at the foundation of existence, within the Unified Field of Consciousness. For man to live life in accord with all the Laws of Nature, he only has to refer back to his source, to bring his awareness within and experience the Unified Field, also known as Transcendental Consciousness. 

The unified field of Natural Law is similar to the DNA in every human cell. The DNA contains all knowledge for the development of human life and administers each stage of development. Similarly, the unified field of Total Knowledge—total Natural Law— administers the smooth evolution of the whole universe.  Just as the mechanisms in every cell refer back to the holistic knowledge contained in the DNA code, each person needs to refer back to the unified field of Total Knowledge.

Every individual has the ability to bring his or her attention within to the source of thought and experience the unified field of all the Laws of Nature. Through the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique and its advanced programme—the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying—one spontaneously and naturally enlivens total Natural Law within one’s consciousness. Because the Unified Field is everywhere, underlying everything, he also enlivens Natural Law throughout the entire field—throughout creation. 

Maharishi has shown that by simply returning man’s vision to wholeness, to enlightened vision, he will spontaneously think and act in accord with all the Laws of Nature. He will return to the evolutionary flow of nature, bringing an end to suffering and hardship. 

Looking back to the essay question, the important point, I believe, is not an event which blocked the flow of nature. The important point is that from this knowledge, what actions can be taken to restore the flow of nature as it was designed? 

Maharishi is emphasizing the importance of human consciousness in re-establishing the evolutionary flow of life. It was isolated thinking, arising from lack of holistic consciousness, which disrupted the flow of nature.

And it is the return of man’s consciousness to the wholeness at its source, which restores balance, harmony, and evolutionary direction to nature. Through Maharishi’s programmes, one grows in higher states of consciousness and lives Unity Consciousness. Then one knows, as the ancient Rishis described, ‘I am Totality’.

Moreover, by using techniques of consciousness, one can right the wrongs in the environment for an entire society. If one has a large enough group practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, one can set all life back on the evolutionary direction.

Maharishi has likened these large groups to lamp posts. One only needs a small percentage of lamps to light the entire street. One only needs the square root of the population of a country, practising Yogic Flying in a group, to realign the life of the nation in accord with Natural Law. This positive influence of groups of Yogic Flyers is called the 'Maharishi Effect'.

Right now, administrators of The Global Country of World Peace are organizing groups of Yogic Fliers in 192 countries of the world in order to restore balance in nature, peace, and prosperity in the family of nations. The flow of nature is being restored.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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