Maharishi Central University will have a majestic campus, being built in accordance with ancient Vedic principles, adorned with rivers, lakes, and fountains located on lush farmland at the exact geographic center of America.
by Global Good News staff writer
2 July 2008
A groundbreaking new university is planned that will train a new generation of enlightened leaders for the world.
Maharishi Central University's cutting-edge, state-of-the-art curriculum, developed by world-renowned quantum physicist Dr John Hagelin, is based upon the most advanced scientific knowledge of our age: the discovery of the Unified Field. It delivers Total Knowledge to every student, and promotes total brain functioning—enlightenment—full development of mind, body and behaviour.
Commenting last year on Maharishi Central University, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said:
'How is the transcendental level functioning? It is functioning from its unbounded nature to its point nature—within itself. This functioning is Vedic flow—the flow of Total Knowledge, flow of total intelligence, flow of total Being. That is why we say Transcendental Meditation is a practice for everyone, at least two times a day, when the sun rises and sun sets—morning and evening.
'Thousands of teachers are available in the world, so no one can complain that he does not have a teacher. If you do not have a teacher, a new programme of Dr Hagelin's is now to open to your countries. This new programme of Dr Hagelin's is to open Central Universities in your countries.
'Central Universities for Total Knowledge are for everyone, because Total Knowledge, the Central University, the agency that runs the universe with perfect order, is no more out of sight.
'Total Knowledge is available through the discoveries of the Unified Field on which Dr Hagelin has spent all his youth. Now, he is out to give you the gift of his finding. You just listen to him and follow him. His words are scientific. My words are scientific in the sense that they are from Vedic Science. Vedic Science is an expression of perfection, and modern science is just the replica of it. . . .
'You are born to be the ruler of the universe—you have only to learn Transcendental Meditation and practise it in order to have the Central University in your simple awareness. If you do not have it in your awareness, then you do not have it. You may be very wealthy, but if the wealth is not in your awareness, you will always remain poor in the market. In reality you may be very wealthy, but if you do not have an awareness of your wealth, you will always behave like a poor man.
'The reality of life is very precious: you are immortal, you are invincible, you are Transcendental Consciousness. Just a few sittings of Transcendental Meditation will reveal to you what a wealth of bliss, what a wealth of happiness, what a wealth of Being you are. So, begin to live your inner reality and that is invincibility, that is immortality, that is human life. The human species, the consciousness and the intelligence of the human species, has that natural quality of immortality, invincibility. . . .
'Dr Hagelin, continue with your Prime Minister and all the Rajas of your government and all. Bless the world with what it is born to be. It is just a reminder. The potential is there—we remind, we remind, we remind. Open all your schools for which you have the programme. Open all your universities for which you have the programme, and open all the medical colleges for which you have the programme. Your message is total Natural Law, total wisdom, total enlightenment. Your message is the eternal message of life. Take the human race to be on the level that they are born in and in which they deserve to grow.
'All Glory to Guru Dev, the Vedic Tradition, the source of all science and technology, the source of all techniques to live immortality in the mortal phase of life. All Glory to Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.' —Maharishi, 18 April 2007
For further information on Maharishi Central University, please visit: http://www.maharishicentraluniversity.org/
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