Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture will bring health and vitality to the whole population, simply through offering the people a very high quality of food, which has within it the fully enlivened value of total Natural Law.
by Global Good News staff writer
8 July 2008
Now students of agriculture can learn new technologies for producing excellent food with top nutritional value, flavour, and nourishment—much more than regular or organic farming produces. Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture offers the highest standard of excellence in agricultural products and farming technologies. With these technologies, soon the whole population will be able to enjoy a uniquely high quality food.
During his life, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme and Maharishi's Vedic Science revitalized the ancient Vedic Science of Agriculture. Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture is unique in the world, offering agricultural products that are indeed worthy of eating—delicious, highly nutritious, non-toxic, ripened on the vine, and, most of all, imbibed with the enlivened value of Natural Law to nourish the body, mind, and consciousness of the eater.
Raja John Konhaus, who has a PhD in Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture, notes that scientific research on crops grown according to Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture have higher nutrient content than normal farm crops and also higher vitamin and mineral content than regular organic crops. Some crops, such as Maharishi Honey, have such special beneficial effects that they are considered a 'rasayana'—a Vedic word denoting health-promoting qualities.
Why is Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture so desirable?
In his book, Creating Perfection in Education, Maharishi explains the ideal of agriculture, as revealed in its name. He says, 'The very word "agri-culture" calls for agreeing with the culturing intelligence of Natural Law.'
Maharishi explains that there are Laws of Nature, which determine the successful growth of the plant at every level of its development. Many of these Laws of Nature are known by science—Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Mathematics, etc. Although modern science has not yet identified all the Laws of Nature, none-the-less these laws are lively everywhere in Nature and are responsible for the full development of the farmer's crops. The special feature of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture is that it enlivens the total value of Natural Law in the plants.
Why do some plants produce delicious, nutritious products and others just mediocre or even toxic effects?
Maharishi explains that when the farmer uses Vedic 'agri-cultural' technologies, which enliven the full intelligence of Natural Law, then his farm produces nourishing crops, 'bursting with vitality'. The influence of Natural Law from Vedic agriculture is found on two levels: 1) the outer influence on the weather and other favourable conditions for growth, and 2) the inner influence of enlivening Natural Law within the plant.
The Vedic farmer uses Vedic technologies to enliven support of the Laws of Nature to promote the best weather conditions for his crops to grow and for the full blossoming of the seed into healthy produce, rich in nutrients and uniquely nourishing qualities.
Vedic Agriculture never uses chemical fertilizers or insecticides, which bring a toxic influence into the food. In addition, Vedic fruits and vegetables are allowed to ripen fully on the vine, adding to their high level of nutrition.
What are the hidden technologies used by farmers of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture?
The first and foremost 'hidden secret' of the Vedic farmer's success is the farmer's Vedic Consciousness. Until Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture, few people were aware that the consciousness of the farmer actually has an affect on the weather conditions and on the healthy development of his crop. Maharishi explains the first prerequisite of Vedic Organic farming is that the farmer develops higher states of consciousness—Vedic Consciousness.
Vedic Consciousness means that the farmer and his family are enlivening the full value of Total Natural Law through the practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme and an advanced programme, the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying. These technologies, practised daily for a short time with eyes closed, allow the farmer to bring his awareness within and experience the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature at the source of thought. Through his attention, the farmer enlivens total Natural Law within his silent Transcendental Consciousness. After meditation, in activity, the farmer experiences more support of Natural Law. His life flows effortlessly and his desires are fulfilled without strain and struggle.
Enlivening Natural Law for a healthy, vital crop
In Creating Perfection in Education, Maharishi explains how enlivening the full value of Natural Law in the farmer's consciousness benefits his farm. Maharish saysi:
'With Vedic Consciousness, all the farmer's thought, speech, and action will be according to Natural Law. Seasons will come on time, crops will be abundant—everything will be scientific. The crops will grow with mathematical precision because all theories of mathematics will make every phase of the farmer's life mathematically precise in every step of progress in all directions. The natural process of evolution will win the favour of all the laws of chemistry to support the physiology of the soil, seed, and weather conditions.
'By having Vedic Consciousness, all the theories of Natural Law will be lively in the intelligence of the farmer. With morning and evening meditation and Yogic Flying, the farmer will be growing in higher states of consciousness; his wishes will be honoured by Natural Law—his consciousness will be in accord with all the theories of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physiology, etc….'
It is interesting to note that the farmer does not have to study the Laws of Physics, Chemistry, etc. In a very natural, easy, and spontaneous way, Total Natural Law becomes lively in his simplest awareness, without any intellectual knowledge needed.
Nourishing the plant from the deepest level
Besides the technologies for developing higher states of consciousness in the farmer and his family, there is a second important technology utilized by Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture. The farmer and his family recite to the crops special verses from the ancient Vedic Literature. Maharishi explains that this Vedic recitation 'will stimulate the growth of the unmanifest sap in the crop to blossom into the fullness of its manifest value'. Around the globe, only Vedic Agriculture uses this ancient procedure for enlivening the maximum value of the plant.
Maharishi has referred to the sound frequencies of the Vedic Literature as the impulses of Natural Law, which administer all creation from within the silent, Unified Field of Transcendental Consciousness. The ancient Vedic seers, cognized the Laws of Nature within their own silent consciousness. They heard the specific frequencies of sounds, and later these sounds were written down as the books of the Vedic Literature. The recitation of the Vedic reverberations, such as the Darshan Sutra, enlivens Natural Law within the plant.
Maharishi says, 'It will be the joy of the farmer to see the crops growing through the nourishing sounds of these Darshan Sutra, and their nourishing effect will bring the unseen quality of Natural Law to blossom in the crop. The unseen will become manifest more thoroughly. The crop will grow in increasing health for the harvest season through the effect of the Darshan Sutra.'
Vedic performances for healthy abundant crops
The recitation of the Darshan Sutra to the crop is one Vedic Agricultural technology. Maharishi explains that there are also certain Vedic performances, which enliven Natural Law for the best development of the crop. Vedic Pandits, trained in Vedic recitation and in these special Vedic performances, known as Shraut and Smart Yagyas and Ishtis allow the farmer to gain full support of Natural Law for his crop.
Maharishi explains that these daily, monthly, and seasonal performances engage 'Natural Law to enliven the relationship of the individual values of life with cosmic values of life. . . . Seasonal purification procedures for the healthy growth and abundance of the crop will maintain the liveliness of all possibilities in the whole ecology.
'The soil, the seed, and the weather conditions will all be in favour of the private and professional life of the farmer. In short, the fortune of the Vedic Farmer will blossom in affluence.'
The introduction of Vedic recitation into the field of agriculture has far-reaching effects, benefiting not only the farmer and his crop, but everyone who eats Maharishi Vedic Agricultural produce. Maharishi explains:
'The recitations and procedures of the Brahmana aspect of the Veda, which is the science and technology of transformation, will enable the food to be properly metabolized to produce Vedic Consciousness in the whole population—season after season—generation after generation.'
One is what one eats
Maharishi brings out the important and forgotten principle that the quality of food eaten creates the quality of one's mind. Modern society is only beginning to wake up to this knowledge, which illumines hidden causes for many of the social problems in the world today. If one eats chemical toxins, unfresh, or impure food, this will affect one's thoughts and behaviour. If one eats pure, fresh, ripe food, enlivened with the full value of Natural Law, then one will think and act in accord with Natural Law.
Thus, Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture will bring health and vitality to the whole population, simply through offering the people a very high quality of food, which has within it the fully enlivened value of total Natural Law.
The parental role of the Vedic farmer
The farmer upholds his parental role by bringing highly nourishing food to his nation.
Maharishi explains, 'The farmer's life will blossom in its parental role for the whole nation. The gift of the Vedic Farmer and Vedic Farming will be a new dawn for health and happiness, season after season. Every harvest season will witness the smile of angels in Heaven, and the new taste of healthy food. Timely winds, timely rains, and timely sunshine will be at the disposal of the farmer to support every step of his profession, season after season. . . .
'Now the Vedic Consciousness of the farmer will make the farmer smile in his fields, and the happy farmer entering his field will be welcomed by the smiles of every plant in his field. He will celebrate the waves of higher consciousness within himself every day in his home, and bless the whole population—season after season—generation after generation.'
For a more detailed explanation of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture see:http://www.mvoai.org/index_noflash.html
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