Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


girl's hand up
Learning ability, intelligence, and academic performane are shown to increase with the practice of Transcendental Meditation.



Enlivening Creative Intelligence in the individual and society
by Global Good News staff writer
30 June 2008

In this talk given in Switzerland in March 1975 and published in (one of his many books), Maharishi Speaks to Students: Mastery over Natural Law, Maharishi explains that the higher functions of man depend on intelligence, learning ability, and academic performance, which are found to increase through the Transcendental Meditation Programme.

The discovery of increased intelligence growth rate in those who practisethe Transcendental Meditation Technique is striking because until now it has been thought that intelligence could not be developed after early adolescence.

'Through Transcendental Meditation orderliness of thinking increases as a direct and automatic result of increased orderliness in the physiology,' Maharishi said [reflected in EEG studies showing improved holistic functioning of the brain.] 'This increased orderliness of thinking is measured by improved organization and efficiency of memory and increased speed in solving problems accurately.

'The experience of the state of least excitation, the state of perfect orderliness, affects every area of functioning,' Maharishi said—'the intellect, motor-coordination, creativity, and personality.'

Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence is a proven means of providing this one aspect of knowledge—the ability to experience the state of least excitation of consciousness. This will raise the level of all areas of public education.

Research in the areas of psychology and personality demonstrates that Transcendental Meditation not only reduces anxiety and stress, but unfolds the full value of Creative Intelligence in the individual. Psychological tests measuring self-actualization—the characteristic of the most healthy, creative individuals in society—show that Transcendental Meditation increases such positive qualities as self-acceptance, spontaneity, and capacity for personal contact. Studies also show that Transcendental Meditation reduces negative characteristics such as nervousness, depression, and anxiety.

These studies show that Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme leads to the natural, spontaneous development of the personality towards the state of enlightenment—full harmonious functioning on the level of body and mind.

The implication for this research for the field of education are truly enormous. 'If we introduce Transcendental Meditation and the Science of Creative Intelligence into the school system, we will be fulfilling the goal of education and of society: the unfoldment of the maximum potential of each individual, leading to the happiness and achievement of that individual and maximum good for all others,' Maharishi said.

Sociological studies have shown that businesses that practise Transcendental Meditation increase both productivity and job satisfaction simultaneously. The experience of the state of least excitation, which is the field of all possibilities, leads to maximum creativity in business and industry.

Research also shows that executives at higher levels of responsibility gain even more benefits from Transcendental Meditation than workers at lower levels of responsibility, implying that the quality of their decisions, which affect the entire society, will be much higher.

'Through the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Programme we have a vision of a vast sociological effect, a real change in the character of society,' Maharishi said.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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