Jesse Berkowitz

Josh Meade

Elisa Fritsch
Maharishi University of Management, USA
3 March 2008
Alumni of Maharishi University of Management are living the benefits of Consciousness-based Education, which has been shown to improved learning ability and general quality of life for students of all ages. Three alumni share their careers and success after graduating from Maharishi University of Management.
Jesse Berkowitz
Right after completing my Master of Business Administration (MBA) (June 2004), I became a marketing manager for Human Factors International (HFI), which does software usability consulting — in other words, we help companies design software and websites that are intuitive and easy-to-use, something everyone can relate to.
Most of our consultants have Ph.D.’s or Master’s in cognitive psychology, ergonomics, instructional design, etc. They use techniques to understand how people think, learn, remember, and interact with computers, and then optimize the “user experience” through principles of good user interface design.
Since I'm in marketing, my focus is on the business side — building brand awareness, generating leads for the sales staff, writing marketing materials, hosting events and even producing live webcasts. Gaining this business experience has been wonderful — working with fantastic people from around the world, and getting to travel often. I’m also able to maintain a balanced schedule and lifestyle — no working late nights or weekends.
Ultimately, my goal is to start my own company and be a major benefactor for Maharishi University of Management!
Josh Meade
I graduated from Maharishi University of Management in 2005 with a degree in Physiology and Health and am currently a Medical Research Assistant at Johns Hopkins University. I found that my knowledge in natural health care was valued by the medical community. Twenty minutes into my first job interview the supervisor interjected, “I have a stack of applications on my desk but I’d like to offer you the position right now.”
Elisa Fritsch
I’m a real estate agent focused on hotel sales in Baltimore, MD. I spend most of my day interacting with hotel buyers and sellers, and negotiating deals, which often requires persuading the buyer to come up in price and the seller to go down. It’s not for the faint-hearted, and there are few other women in this industry. I value my Maharishi University of Management education, where I attended both the undergrad and MBA program (graduated 2005), mostly for the confidence, stability, and self-knowledge it gave me.
Copyright 2007, Maharishi University of Management