Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


The experience of Transcendental Consciousness, which awakens the total functioning of the brain, makes it possible to unfold the full creative potential of every student.



Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence, the stable foundation for enjoying the eternal wisdom of life
by Global Good News staff writer
8 March 2008

‘The knowledge of intelligence has its roots in the eternity of knowledge,’ Maharishi said. ‘Knowledge is eternal because life is eternal.’

This eternal value of life—the unbounded, unmanifest field of Creative Intelligence—is experienced through the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation. Generation after generation, the same unbounded, eternal value of knowledge has been passed on from teacher to student. The knowledge of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence is embedded in a long tradition of teachers.

The name ‘Maharishi’ means great seer—one who not only sees reality and lives it in fulfilment, but who is also able to impart the value of being a Seer to everyone.
The goal of Maharishi University of Management is to create great seers in all parts of the world in every generation.

The goal and aspiration of Maharishi University of Management is to maintain in its purity the knowledge of the complete value of life, so that in every generation both teacher and student grow in knowledge, vitality, and fulfilment together.

‘As long as the purity of knowledge is maintained, the effectiveness of the Science of Creative Intelligence will be maintained,’ Maharishi said, ‘ and its benefits secured for all generations to come.

‘The knowledge of intelligence honours all systems of gaining knowledge. The Science of Creative Intelligence brings fulfilment to the aspirations of all educational system, to all governments, and all organizations to develop the full value of life in the individual and in society.’

The goal of Maharishi’s world-wide Movement is to ensure that in this scientific age no one continues to suffer and that every man blossom in the full value of life, radiates the full value of life and lives life in fulfilment.

© Copyright 2008 Global Good News®

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.



"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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