To overcome chronic disorders, students are choosing Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology—an ancient effective technology, combined with the most modern knowledge of quantum physics.
by Global Good News staff writer
21 March 2008
Students today are discovering new technologies for dealing with common chronic health problems. One especially appealing technology for those who like to do less and accomplish more is Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology (MVVT).
People of any age can unexpectedly find themselves faced with a chronic disorder. Dr Steele Belok, MD, in his article Science and Vedic Sound, explains that ‘chronic disease affects 45 per cent of working age adults according to a study by Catherine Hoffman published in the Journal of American Medicine Association in 1996.
'While the modern biomedical approach has been somewhat effective in managing acute illness, the management of chronic disease has not been as successful.’ Dr Belok points out that individuals suffering from chronic disorders continue to use medication and experience discomfort and symptoms. Maharishi Vibration Technology (MVVT) offers a unique alternative treatment.
Whether insomnia, chronic depression and anxiety, asthma, arthritis, a broken limb, eye strain, sinusitis, degenerative diseases, or even acne, Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology provides treatment for health problems ranging from A to Z.
What is Vedic Vibration Technology and how does it work? Dr Belok explains that the MVVT programme is one aspect of Maharishi Vedic Medicine, the most ancient system of health and longevity in the world, revived by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and combined with the most modern scientific knowledge and technologies. Drawing from this ancient Vedic wisdom of Total Knowledge of Natural Law, Vedic Vibration Technology uses the knowledge of Vedic sound to alleviate chronic problems and realign the intelligence of the body with Nature’s intelligence.
Vedic Vibration Technology combines the ancient knowledge of Vedic sound vibrations with the ultra modern knowledge of quantum field theory from physics. It is only through this unique combination of ancient knowledge of Vedic sound and modern knowledge from quantum field theory that one can understand the effectiveness of using sound vibrations to address long-term imbalances in the body.
According to Maharishi’s Vedic Science, at the basis of all material existence lies the Unified Field of Consciousness, a silent field of intelligence underlying everything. This silent, unmanifest field of consciousness reverberates through its own self-interactions, giving rise to unmanifest frequencies of sound, know as Veda and Vedic Literature. These unmanifest frequencies of Veda and Vedic Literature evolve into the vibrations at the basis of all matter and energy.
In a parallel description from physics, unified field theory describes all matter as ultimately vibration. Dr Belok explains that ‘the body is understood to be a complex waveform, the sum total of many smaller waves or vibrations. These fundamental frequencies are excitations of universal fields. All of these fields are in turn the expression of a single underlying field, called a superstring field, or unified field in modern quantum field theory.’
Dr Belok explains that ‘if the body is ultimately a complex waveform, made of many subtler vibrations, the possibility arises that the appropriate vibratory frequencies might be used to restore normal functioning in chronic disorders.’ Of course, knowledge of the fundamental frequencies and the precise correlation of these frequencies with the human physiology would be necessary.
In 1997, Professor Tony Nader, MD, PhD, a neuroscientist, working closely with Maharishi had a break-through discovery, which has significantly changed our knowledge of the human body and of health care. Professor Nader, later crowned as Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam, described his research in his book, Human Physiology: Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature. This outstanding research correlated the human anatomic structure and function with the 40 branches of the Veda and Vedic Literature.
In his research, Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam concluded: ‘The only way for this precise correspondence to occur would be if the Vedic sounds were the actual structuring dynamics of the human body.’ In other words, Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam ’s research showed that every aspect of the human body was a specific reverberation of the underlying Unified Field of Consciousness—a specific set of reverberations corresponding to the sounds of one of the 40 aspects of the Veda and Vedic Literature.
This conclusion corresponds with the Vedic understanding, revealed by Maharishi, that the reverberations of Veda and Vedic Literature, within the Unified Field of consciousness, are the precise structuring dynamics, giving rise to the human physiology and also all of material creation. The dynamic reverberations of Veda and Vedic Literature, existing within the Unified Field, evolve into the body and the universe. The reality, expounded by Maharishi’s Vedic Science and supported by Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam ’s research, is that the entire physical creation is essentially nothing but consciousness.
The analogy of water vapor, water, snow, and ice makes this understanding more clear. Maharishi describes how water can exist in different states, ranging from vapor to more and more solid forms. As the water vapor becomes cooled, the less visible vapor condenses into increasingly more solid forms: first water, then soft snow, then ice. Similarly Maharishi’s Vedic Science explains that consciousness ranges from abstract unmanifest intelligence to dynamic vibrations or frequencies to more solidified physical matter.
As mentioned above, physics also describes that essentially matter is vibrations of the unified field, even though it appears to the senses as hard, solid, concrete substance. If a scientist looks deeply into the subatomic structure of matter and beyond, he finds only dynamic vibrations within a unified field. From the modern quantum mechanical understanding, the human body and all matter is ultimately vibrations of the unified field.
With this profound insight into the nature of our physical bodies, one can understand that it might be possible to influence the vibrations of one’s physiology, realigning malfunctioning through the use of the proper subtle vibrations. This is what the administrators of Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology are trained to do.
Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam explains that using the proper sound and technology, the expert administrators in Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology enliven the intelligence at the basis of that part of the physiology to transform disorderly functioning into orderly functioning. The MVVT experts projects the Vedic sounds from the level of the Unified Field of their own consciousness.
The procedure is systematic and produces measurable, reliable, and repeatable effects. Participating patients fill out reports on their results; and the data has been compiled in scientific research studies. These studies show significant improvement. Working on the deepest level of the body’s own intelligence, the improvements are profound—much more than a superficial covering of symptoms, often generated by modern medicine. The dramatic improvements in chronic disorders noted by patients, participating in the MVVT programme suggest that the age-old wisdom of Maharishi Vedic Medicine can be applied to the millions of people all over the world suffering from chronic disease.
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