Maharishi School has had over ten times the nation's average for National Merit Scholar finalists over the past seven years.
by Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, Iowa, USA
26 March 2008
The past two years have brought more extraordinary developments and achievements to Maharishi School in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. Almost all the Upper School students are now participating in the group practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, with the Invincible America Assembly in the Golden Domes on the campus of Maharishi University of Management.
This is an assembly of peace-creating experts unique in human history, including over 600 Vedic Pandits from India, who collectively are bringing invincibility to America.
Maharishi School students have maintained an impressive competitive and academic record, winning the world championships at the Global Finals of Destination ImagiNation, the International Photo Imaging Educational Association photography contest, and the Congressional Art Award.
The students have also maintained their tradition of far exceeding the national average for National Merit Scholars Finalists. In addition, the school is becoming famous around the world for its achievements, and is inspiring educators everywhere to open Maharishi Invincibility Schools teaching Consciousness-Based Education for the benefits of the students and to bring invincibility to their nations.
Highlights of Achievements
In the past decade, students at Maharishi School have won more than 100 state titles in science, speech, drama, writing, poetry, spelling, art, photography, history, mathematics, chess, tennis, golf, track, and Destination ImagiNation, a national and international creative problem-solving competition.
• Grades 10-12 score in the top 1% nationally and in Iowa on standardized tests;
• State Record: 54 state championships in creative problem-solving competitions;
• World Record: four-time winners of the Global Finals of Destination ImagiNation and more top-ten finishes than any other school in the world.
For more information about participating in the Maharishi Yagya performances for the Maharishi School being held in April 2008, email Maharishi School Development Office, devt@msae.edu or telephone USA-641 472 0094.
Copyright 2007, Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment