Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


8th grade
In the state of perfect mind-body coordination the individual is fully integrated with the environment and becomes a universal individual, living the wholeness of life.



Every individual can live his full creative potential in the unboundedness of life
by Global Good News staff writer
29 March 2008

In May 1974, in Murren, Switzerland, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi spoke about the first goal of the World Plan: to develop the full potential of the individual.

Psychology tells us that man uses only a small portion of his mental potential. ‘When one is fresh and rested, one is able to utilize a greater degree of the potential of the mind. The nature of life is to grow, to progress,’ Maharishi said. ‘Life progresses through the steps of rest and activity. Creative Intelligence, which is at the basis of all creation, is responsible for the progressive nature of life.

‘Rest rejuvenates and revitalizes the system, enabling one to display greater Creative Intelligence in one’s activity and thereby enjoy greater achievement and fulfilment. By making use of the nature of life itself, one can unfold one’s full potential on all levels—physiology, psychology, and behaviour.’

The Science of Creative Intelligence and its practical aspect, Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, give complete knowledge and experience of the pure nature of Creative Intelligence, thereby promoting the full expression of Creative Intelligence in daily life.

‘The full range of consciousness is from the ever-changing, individual aspect of life to the never-changing, unbounded, universal aspect,’ Maharishi said. ‘The Science of Creative Intelligence enables every man to live unbounded consciousness—to move within boundaries with the full support of the unbounded—and thereby to be master of his own destiny.

‘When individual awareness is not established in the non-changing, unbounded value of life, then the individual is always at the mercy of the changing values of life. Man is born to be the master of his destiny, and not a football of outside circumstances and situations.’

This is because his nervous system has that ability which enables him to adapt to any situation while at the same time not losing stability in life. ‘When infinite stability and infinite flexibility are structured in the nervous system, these qualities are also reflected in the mental aspect of life,’ Maharishi continued.

Maharishi said that the mind, by its own nature, expands to the state of unbounded awareness. Correspondingly the nervous system, by its own nature, rises to a level from where it can project that unbounded awareness. This is because every state of consciousness has its corresponding level of physiology.

‘The fourth state of consciousness, the state of unbounded awareness, is the projection of the most refined state of physiology,’ Maharishi continued. ‘Through the regular practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, the nervous system is cultured to maintain that style of functioning which will project unbounded awareness even while one is acting in boundaries.’

When the individual permanently maintains unbounded awareness, his behaviour will be ideal and his achievements will be great. Maximum growth and achievement in the outer field of life further enhance fulfilment and growth in the inner sphere of life. This growth of inner and outer values of life is the development of the full potential of life.

During Transcendental Meditation one experiences finer and finer states of thought until one transcends the finest state of thought and experiences pure consciousness—the state of perfect order of the mind and nervous system. From this most coordinated state of mental and physical values, Creative Intelligence expresses itself through the specific channels of thought, speech, and action.

‘Perfect mind-body coordination produces ideal behaviour,’ Maharishi said, ‘which creates only life-supporting influences in the whole environment. In this state of perfect mind-body coordination the individual is fully integrated with the environment and becomes a universal individual, living the wholeness of life.’


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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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