During their practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique,
students bring their awareness within and experience the unbounded field of silence, intelligence, energy, creativity, and happiness.
by Global Good News staff writer
5 May 2008
‘Go to the bank first and then spend in the market.’ This is a simple, obvious principle when it comes to spending money; but what about when one is spending one’s energy, intelligence, emotional stamina, creativity, wakefulness, peace of mind, and physical strength? In the fast-paced world today, there is a tendency to burn the candle at both ends—to work hard to accomplish goals, and to expend more energy than one can replenish by sleep at night. Many people today have schedules with little or no rest programmed into their day. Many people catch themselves racing through their day, eating on the run, and coming home at the end of the day too tired to enjoy their free time, if they have any.
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi came out of the Himalayas of India with a message and a technique for the modern men and women of today: ‘rest is the basis of activity.’ Take deep rest for dynamic action. If you want to spend in the market, first go to the bank. For success and happiness in life, first bring your awareness within and experience the unbounded field of silence, intelligence, energy, creativity, and happiness. Then come out and act, drawing from your infinite reserves. Practise Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique for ten to twenty minutes twice a day for more dynamic, successful activity and sustained inner happiness.
Maharishi emphasized that balance between inner silence and outer dynamic life is necessary. Without balance of these opposite values, discomfort and lack of success result.
Maharishi has said that, ‘both have to be balanced—inner values of life and outer joys of the world. And it is there, open to us, what we choose to be, what we choose to enjoy; both are there. The glory of the treasury is there, and the value of the market is there. If all the time in the market, you feel an empty pocket, that creates tension. When the pockets are empty in the market and the man is not allowed to go to the treasury, connection with the treasury is lost, somehow the cheque book is lost—that creates tension.
‘The only one thing necessary to prevent tension in the market is not to lose the cheque book! Get the connection with the bank maintained so as not to lose the way to the treasury, and then—that’s all! Just five minutes in the treasury, and a full day in the market is quite certain.’
Now students of Consciousness-Based Education are wisely following this principle: by practising Transcendental Meditation Programme, they diving deep within themselves and replenishing their inner resources on a regular basis before rising to meet the challenges of the day. Students at Consciousness-Based schools, colleges, and universities are experiencing that they have an infinite 'bank account' within, which they can access at will by regularly practising Transcendental Meditation Technique. Research has verified what the students experience after learning to meditate. Following are some of the many examples:
Intelligence: Scientific research shows that for those who regularly practice practise Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique, IQ increases, grades improve, and memory improves;
Creativity: Studies also show that creativity is greatly enhanced through the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique; and it further increases through the practice of an advanced programme, Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.
Studies also show improved:
Energy level
Athletic performance
Job productivity
Social relations; ability to get along better with peers, parents, and teachers
Self-Esteem, self-confidence
Emotional sell-being; satisfaction
Leadership ability
All it takes to improve any aspect of one’s life, is just go within and fathom the unbounded reservoir of creativity, intelligence, energy, and peace within.
The next time you think of going to the ATM to draw upon your financial reserves, remember that you also have TM—Transcendental Meditation—to access your own unlimited reserves within yourself.
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