‘The path of spiritual unfoldment is the simple, natural, effortless path of Transcendental Meditation, which nourishes and enlivens the very basis of life and thereby brings nourishment to all values of living.’ —Maharishi
by Global Good News staff writer
27 May 2008
‘Spiritual development is based on the “principle of the highest first”—gain the wholeness of life to enrich all of its parts,’ Maharishi said.
‘The wholeness of life is the pure field of unbounded intelligence, the absolute field of existence; the parts of life are all the diverse expressions of that pure spiritual content of life. When one owns the wholeness of life, all the diverse values of life respond favourably to all one’s desires.’
‘The entire activity of life, individual and cosmic, is motivated by the “principle of the highest first”. Everything in creation is always growing towards its fullest value—unboundedness. This search for the Absolute is the natural tendency of life,’ Maharishi explained.
The natural process of evolution is the phenomenon of spiritual development, which opens individual awareness to the unbounded wholeness of life—the essential spiritual content of life.
‘The non-changing, absolute value of life—pure consciousness—is more than the collection of all the individual existences in creation,’ Maharishi continued. ‘This principle—the whole is more than the collection of its parts—provides a clear understanding of the true meaning of spirituality.’
The study of spiritual development in the Science of Creative Intelligence reveals that one does not need to struggle or strain in order to achieve spiritual development, because the unfoldment of spirituality is a natural phenomenon that is already taking place.
‘When every activity is supported by the total potential of spiritual value, activity will achieve most with least effort and will bring increasing waves of enjoyment and fulfilment,’ Maharishi said. ‘Every thought and action will be not only upheld but actually conducted by the cosmic force of evolution that is guiding the destiny of the entire universe.’
In this scientific age, the value of spiritual development that one gains day by day through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme is not a metaphysical reality, but rather a very practical, concrete reality of life, which can be verified objectively through scientific research.
‘The path of spiritual unfoldment is the simple, natural, effortless path of Transcendental Meditation, which nourishes and enlivens the very basis of life and thereby brings nourishment to all values of living,’ Maharishi said. ‘Through this single phenomenon of full spiritual development, all the seven goals of the World Plan will be fulfilled.’
• Maharishi’s World Plan: Over the three decades since 1974, the goals and activities of the World Plan have grown and evolved to become the programmes of the Global Country of World Peace to create enlightenment for every individual and invincibility for every nation.
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