'The responsibility of education is to enliven the Self and make the student the lively embodiment of all the Laws of Nature.’
by Global Good News staff writer
29 May 2008
In May 1982 in Boppard Germany, Maharishi explained that all the different variations of change are the different aspects of the non-changing continuum of the Absolute, the full potential of Natural Law, which expresses itself in different expressions of the individual Laws of Nature. The wholeness of Natural Law is contained in every part.
In Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme we enliven the unmanifest and make it more clearly known to itself. ‘Since the Laws of Nature are the impulses inherent in the unmanifest, the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme enlivens in our conscious awareness the totality of the functioning of Natural Law,’ Maharishi said.
‘During Transcendental Meditation we locate the silence of Transcendental Consciousness, and with the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme we activate that silence and begin to experience its fine impulses—the impulses of the infinite dynamism of Natural Law present within Transcendental Consciousness,’ Maharishi explained.
Human physiology has the ability to develop the fully awakened state of consciousness that expresses the holistic value of Natural Law and binds together the whole universe, Maharishi said. ‘With this infinite potential of human consciousness, everyone is born with the potential to be the custodian of the entire universe.’
The nature of life is unbounded and infinite. All problems and weakness in life arise because man has only known the limited, finite values of life and has not been educated to enjoy the totality of the infinite universal value.
Through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme it is possible to open one’s awareness to the home of all the Laws of Nature, whereby the individual acts spontaneously according to the total potential of Natural Law.
‘The essential value of every culture, every religion, every political system, and every branch of knowledge is the unmanifest field of the full potential of Natural Law.
‘Human consciousness has the ability to cognize directly the Laws of Nature,’ Maharishi continued. ‘The phenomenon of cognition is not on the sensory level, but rather on the unmanifest level of consciousness itself. In this way the Laws of Nature are cognized by the Laws of Nature themselves.
‘Yoga means unifying all the diversified impulses of
consciousness. In this Unity is the lordship of the total potential of Natural Law and in this is the lordship of the universe.’
The integrated education provided by Consciousness-Based Education and Maharishi’s Vedic Science develops an integrated personality in the student, whereby he becomes integrated with the universe. ‘In this state all his desires are automatically fulfilled, because all the means of achieving any desire are available within himself,’ Maharishi said.
‘In the state of enlightenment is the enlivenment of the total potential of the Self. The responsibility of education is to enliven the Self and make the student the lively embodiment of all the Laws of Nature.’
Maharishi then explained that there are two forces functioning at the same time in every stroke of evolution—one to destroy the existing state and the other to create the next state. Because the process of evolution is always in the positive direction, we talk in terms of the positive, creative value of Natural Law.
Maharishi concluded, ‘Natural Law is the state of unified wholeness, the perfectly balanced state of all the Laws of Nature. Any imbalance is neutralized when the awareness settles down to its completely balanced state, Transcendental Consciousness. When that balanced state is stabilized, whatever one does is supported by all the Laws of Nature.
‘A balanced state of life is always evolutionary. A balanced state of life means that the unmanifest is fully lively in all manifestations. This fully lively unmanifest state of awareness is the value of Unity Consciousness, the totality of Natural Law.’
This is the gift of Consciousness-Based Education and Maharishi’s Vedic Science to everyone on Earth.
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