'To do great things, the doer must be great—a doer of infinite, expanded awareness is able to do anything,' Maharishi said. For this the formula is, 'Established in Being, perform action.'
by Global Good News staff writer
12 May 2008
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi explains that for maximum success and freedom in life, first we come out of the field of action to the field of non-changing Being, then we return to action with maximum dynamism and full support of all the Laws of Nature.
Maharishi began a talk on this subject in the summer of 1970. He said, ‘The fundamental of life must be unshakeable and immovable.’ He emphasized that this is the basis for a life worth living, a life lived in freedom and always supported by Natural Law.
‘The fundamental of the ever-changing phase of relative life is the never-changing, eternal Absolute,’ Maharishi said. ‘When the awareness is always on the move towards something more and more, if the awareness could be opened to that which is the fundamental of more and more, then with the goal in hand, we enjoy the path. This is a life worth living.’
For a man to be productive and most efficient in all areas of his life, he must know that his individuality stands on the basis of universality—immovable, eternal, and non-changing—and he only has to open his awareness to that area and start enjoying all benefits from that. This is the education offered to everyone through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme.
‘Being without activity,’ Maharishi said, ‘is for the sake of being able to handle maximum dynamism. Momentum is always gained from the opposite direction. One only has to [practise Transcendental Meditation] and draw the mind to silence, and from there come out with great dynamism.’
The nature of the mind is to move towards more and more. Any desire to achieve anything means wanting more and more—this is on the surface level of relative life. This same principle of the nature of the mind is seen in the mind’s march towards finer levels of experience in the direction of the Transcendent during the practice of Transcendental Meditation.
‘This is because the very creation of the mind is by the force of evolution,’ Maharishi explained. ‘The force of evolution works out its intention through the impulse of the mind, taking it to more and more until it arrives at the infinite.’
In Cosmic Consciousness*, when one lives unbounded awareness at all times, one is performing action but is not thrown out of that unbounded awareness, the Self. When activity does not overshadow the unboundedness of the Self, then the Self is free from the binding influence of action. Skill in action means that you act, but you do not lose unboundedness in the limitations of performance.
Do less and accomplish more is also the nature of skill in action. Growing in the skill of action means not doing anything yet accomplishing everything. By gaining the basis of life, which is infinite, unbounded and cosmic, Maharishi said, one gains the kind of skill in action whereby the actor becomes infinitely great, infinitely powerful.
‘Skill in action comes from two sources,’ Maharishi continued, ‘from the full development of man’s potential and the support of Almighty Nature. A fully developed individual receives full support from Almighty Nature. With full support of Almighty Nature, one gains sympathy of Nature to the extent of gaining mastery over it. This mastery does not mean the ability to be aggressive over Nature, but the ability to mother the whole of Nature.’
This is the philosophy of action—come out of the field of action in order to be efficient in action. Success in the market demands going out of the market, strengthening oneself in the bank, and then coming to the market to command the market. During Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation one does not do anything other than this: the difference is only in degree. One takes deeper rest, absolute silence, and then comes out much fresher.
‘Life in enlightenment is like a bulb that is lit from within and emits light,’ Maharishi continued. ‘One lives the Absolute and naturally radiates what life is. With every impulse of thought, speech, or action, what goes out is life-supporting influence.’
‘The Laws of Nature are as impartial as a judge who just listens and writes the sentence. The impartiality of the Laws of Nature has only one purpose—that life should evolve to the highest level. As we continue to evolve more and more into the value of Being, we are unfolding our potentiality, and we gain the support of Nature in the same process.’
Maharishi said that an individual should practise Transcendental Meditation and do everything he thinks to be right and not do anything he knows to be wrong. The criterion of right and wrong in the tradition in which one is born is provided by the elder generation. When one is freed from the binding influence of action, every action will spontaneously be right. ‘As we sow, so shall we reap.’ In this proverb the whole philosophy of action is included.
‘To do great things, the doer must be great—a doer of infinite, expanded awareness is able to do anything,’ Maharishi said. For this, the formula is ‘Established in Being, perform action.’ All the Laws of Nature are functioning on the level of unmanifest Being. So when the awareness is established on that level of infinite Being, all the innumerable Laws of Nature provide support.
‘Knowledge of the inner value of life gives entry into the infinite value of life, without doing. Every impulse of thought is accomplished without effort—one does less and accomplishes more.
‘The mind brought to Being, made very powerful, and brought out to action is like an arrow that has been pulled back and released. A time comes when the mind, having been pulled to the state of Being, maintains that momentum of infinite energy and intelligence at all times and in all activity. The union of the mind with Being is skill in action because the mind will never lose the infinite momentum of energy, intelligence, and happiness it gained in the transcendent.’
Maharishi explains that beyond the familiar states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping are four higher states of consciousness—Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness—each bringing a new dimension of experience, knowledge, and fulfilment.
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