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Students become masters of time and space by experiencing the source of Natural Law and of creation within the Self.



Students experience the beginning of the notion of time within the Self
by Global Good News staff writer
15 May 2008

During their practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique, students have the ability to transcend limitations of space and time and live life in freedom with inner happiness. As Transcendental
Consciousness unfolds, one can experience the beginning of the notion of time within one's self-referral consciousness. This leads to mastery of time and space.

When one first learns Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique, one is mainly aware of the deep silence and relaxation. As one continues with regular practice, alternated by activity, one begins to fathom more and more details of the infinite potential within one's own Self.

In Maharishi's Vedic Science, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi describes how Transcendental

Consciousness is not only an unbounded field of infinite silence; but it is also an infinitely dynamic field—the foundation of all the Laws of Nature that give rise to the whole ever-expanding universe—the source of all time and space.

In his book, Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Defence,
Maharishi describes how the notion of time emerges within the Unified Field of Consciousness. When one transcends during the practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique, one knows oneself and nothing else. Usually when one knows something, one thinks of knowing an object, such as a flower.

During the experience of Transcendental
Consciousness, consciousness is self-referral: it refers only to itself. It knows only itself. There is no other object of perception.

If Transcendental Consciousness is just one— a Unified Field with no diversity, then how does time and space emerge?

The answer lies in the nature of self-referral consciousness.When consciousness knows itself, the one Unified Field seems to divide into three: knower, process of knowing, and the known. The division is just a notion because the field is always Unity. This three-in-one structure of Transcendental Consciousness, expresses diversity within Unity. It expresses dynamism within silent, unmoving Being.

Another name for the three-in-one-structure of consciousness is Samhita (togetherness) of Rishi (knower), Devata (process of knowing), and Chhandas (the known). The Samhita of Rishi, Devata, and Chhandas is the Veda—the totality of all the Laws of Nature which evolve the entire universe from within the Self. The interactions between Rishi, Devata, and Chhandas and Samhita create reverberations, unmanifest sounds, which then evolve all of creation. These unmanifest vibrations of Natural Law are the source of creation, the source of all multiplicity within Unity.

Thus, students practising Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique and knowing the Self are fathoming the beginning of all time and space within their Self.

Maharishi explains, 'As the Veda and Vedic Literature are the reality of the unmanifest Unified Field, which is beyond duality, beyond time, it is interesting that the structure of the notion of time comes into being with the structure of the Vedic Literature within the nature of the self-referral state of consciousness—Veda (Samhita of Rishi, Devata, Chhandas)—and creates time, space and direction in the timeless, unbounded ocean of self-referral consciousness.'

Maharishi concludes that 'The notion of time and the structure of Veda—both are the reality of self-referral consciousness.'
Maharishi says, 'As Veda is the source of creation, creation is born of the notion of time. The notion of time begins with the nature of self-referral consciousness when the singularity of knowingness in the state of
self-referral consciousness, wakes up to be knower, knowing and known; the notion of time begins when the state of self-referral consciousness wakes up as Samhita of Rishi, Devata, Chhandas; the notion of time begins when the structure of pure knowledge, the Veda,
spontaneously blossoms in the self-referral state of consciousness. '

Maharishi continues, explaining that the notion of time is a perpetual reality. This notion of time comes into existence with the emergence of sequence within self-referral consciousness. There is one holistic continuum of Samhita of Rishi Devata, Chhandas and within it 'the notion of time and space in the realization of itself—Rishi, Devata,Chhandas—the realization of the three-in-one structure of its unified nature'.

This is how self-referral consciousness is the source of creation, the source of time. This is just a notion of time emerging within the timeless ocean of consciousness. Maharishi emphasizes that, 'The whole creation emerging from the notion of time is a notion itself, where the structured patterns of Natural Law sustain the notion of time.'

What is the value of this experience of the notion of time emerging within one's own self-referral consciousness?

Maharishi explains that the individual behaves within time, while he enjoys 'freedom beyond the limitations of time'. Maharishi quotes the Bhagavad-Gita 4. 38: 'In time it is transcended, and yet it can be lived in time.'

Maharishi also points out that from knowing this transcendental level of one's Self, one gains mastery of time and space. 'From here one commands the total field of time.'

Knowing the Self, students become masters of time and space. Students fathom Veda, Natural Law within their awareness; and this is the source of creation. Natural Law—the same Laws of Nature, which run the
universe—now support their desires. Action, achievement, and success become easy and fun, supported by total Natural Law.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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