Marieta Pehlivanova, a student from American University, experienced positive changes her relationships with people after starting Transcendental Meditation.
Reprinted from the US website: www.au-tm-study.org
17 May 2008
American University in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., has been conducting a research and demonstration project:
Effects of the Transcendental Meditation program
on Neurophysiology, Cognitive Development,
and Health in College Students. This is the the largest study ever to evaluate the effects of the Transcendental Meditation Program on college students.
The two-year, US$1.2 million randomized control study of 250 meditating students from American University, Georgetown University, George Washington University, Howard University, and the University of the District of Columbia was approved by American’s Internal Review Board of scientists and physicians.
The following students, who participated in the American University study, describe the benefits of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation program in their lives:
Marieta Pehlivanova, American University:
"I've noticed I now perceive people quite differently than I did before. I'm much more open to people, and more appreciative of them. I seem to enjoy being around them much more. Before starting Transcendental Meditation, I think that I was too overwhelmed by my work to really notice people, and I didn’t have the kind of sensitivity toward them that I do now. Because I am more open and friendly to people, people are also so much nicer to me. It feels great! … During group meditation I experience a blissful feeling of connectedness with the other meditators, as well as with all of humanity. The experience is deeper, finer, more loving and radiating—simply amazing."
David Stonehill, MBA and MA in International Development Candidate, American University:
"On a daily basis, I juggle the demands of classes in two different programs, and additionally do my best to remain physically active, to stay involved with friends and family, to volunteer in the community, and to create post-grad school career opportunities. Thank goodness I’m meditating! Transcendental Meditation cleanses my thought patterns, enabling preparedness for whatever lies in store.
"It also offers an opportunity for me to engage with my spiritual, holistic nature in a natural, uncomplicated way, enriching all areas of my life. Transcendental Meditation has particularly helped me have more flow in my speech. I have always been plagued by being overly self-conscious of what I say. Since I started TM, this neurosis has almost entirely disappeared, and I find myself speaking from my inner core with more ease and natural rhythm. What a relief!”
Patricia McClory, Biology Major,
Biochemistry Minor, American University:
"I am a healthier, happier person than I was before learning Transcendental Meditation. I also feel that I have dramatically reduced my levels of stress and increased my ability to properly handle stressful situations. I feel a significant amount of growth in my ability to reason and think logically, as well as in my sensitivity towards the feelings of others and my overall awareness of myself. I’m so much more comfortable with my ideas. I have more confidence to take risks and express to others what I’m thinking. I don’t worry as much about people’s perceptions of me. I just feel freer and so much happier! I’m excited to experience more benefits as my meditation progresses."
Emily Wessel, Dance major, American University:
"Before learning Transcendental Meditation I tried several forms of meditation but none of them ever came easy or provided any real results. Learning the TM Technique was a wonderful surprise. I took to it quickly and immediately began seeing benefits. Since I started practicing it regularly my creative expression through dance has simply exploded.
"I have been able to tap into a resource that I did not know existed within me. In the past, I have always looked outside of myself to be artistically inspired; it never occurred to me until finding the TM practice that I could be inspired from within. The gratitude that I have for this practice is beyond measure. It has sincerely changed my life. I have found an inner strength that is sacred to me now and I am thankful to Maharishi for making this knowledge available to me."
Chris Bowling, M.A. student in literature, Georgetown University:
"Group practice of Transcendental Meditation is very important to me because it connects me with the community of meditators. This fellowship is a refreshing counterpoint to my daily, solitary TM practice. In turn, group discussion of the experience of Transcendental Meditation often yields insights I can take back and use in my daily practice. It's also gratifying to think that group meditation amplifies the benefits not just for the group, but also for the population at large. By meditating together, we become philanthropists all!"
Tricia Spurio, George Mason University:
"In high school I was crippled by anxiety. It got so bad that I didn’t want to leave my house. Transcendental Meditation has helped me grow freer and freer from stress and anxiety. I am so much more open, more appreciative, and more giving. My relationships with others have grown richer because my relationship with myself is so much deeper and better. My confidence has increased and my focus has improved. The future seems so much brighter to me now."
Laura Larson, Theology and Psychology major,
Georgetown University:
"Starting Transcendental Meditation was one of the best things that could have happened to me, and it happened at the absolutely right time in my life. After only a few weeks, I felt as though my mind was expanding. Everything made sense: the universe, life, and my connection to each and every person. My energy was reaching outside of the box which had held me back from realizing my potential for so long … It feels incredibly good to be on the path towards my full potential."
Irma Alba, American University:
"I am one of those people who’s always felt I was on a treadmill. I was constantly stressed and overwhelmed. I was taking medications for anxiety, which did not produce effective results. Practicing TM has created a huge change. I’m much more positive and optimistic. My personal and study habits have improved immensely. I was never an 'A' student but this past semester I made the Dean’s list."
David Roquet, George Mason University:
"Practicing Transcendental Meditation has benefited me in so many ways. I feel much more wakeful and aware—more sensitive and intuitive. I am much less stressed in my daily activities, and although I am busier than ever, TM has helped me to more calmly care for my responsibilities—to approach my life in a more effective manner. I am less a driver of myself and more a compassionate companion. It has helped me to know myself from the inside out. What a blessing!"
Daniel Mercelino,
University of the District of Columbia:
"Since I started TM my health has significantly improved. I’m sick much less. I used to get headaches all the time, but I have only had two headaches the entire semester.
"My attention span has improved, and studying is easier and better. But the best thing about it is that practicing TM is so effortless, and the effect is so immediate."
Muni Figueres,
University of the District of Columbia:
"TM has opened a new world for me. My grades are much better, and my whole approach to living is more open and honest. My relationship with my husband and family is much easier and richer. I am freer from stress and I am so, so thankful!"
Reprinted from the US website: www.au-tm-study.org
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