'When the cosmic, unbounded value of Creative Intelligence develops in the life of the individual, his every act will spontaneously
promote the evolution of everything with which he is concerned.' -- Maharishi
by Global Good News staff writer
20 May 2008
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi illumines the key to the intelligent use of the environment as a part of a series introducing the goals of the World Plan* to students in his book, Maharishi Speaks to Students: Mastery over Natural Law. In this lecture from the 33-lesson course, Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence, Maharishi describes the practical means for the development and application of Creative Intelligence in the individual and all areas of life.
The fifth goal of the World Plan is to maximize the intelligent use of the environment. ‘Everything in the universe is interdependent and interacting,’ Maharishi began. ‘The universe reacts to individual action. Therefore, when we consider the evolution of the individual, we must simultaneously consider the evolution of his environment.
Maharishi explained that as it develops, Creative Intelligence removes the obstacles to its own progress. When obstacles to the expansion of awareness—stress and strain—are removed through the deep rest gained during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, then the obstacles to the evolution of the environment are simultaneously removed.
‘The environment reflects the quality of the individual; a fully developed individual radiates health and happiness in the environment,’ Maharishi said. ‘To be successful in activity, the individual must have a broad vision so that every aspect of the environment is taken into account.
‘The individual and the environment evolve together because the evolution of the individual is through growth of the cosmic, unbounded value of Creative Intelligence, which conducts the evolution of the entire universe.
‘When the cosmic, unbounded value of Creative Intelligence develops in the life of the individual, his every act will spontaneously promote the evolution of everything with which he is concerned. In this way individual evolution will be enhanced by the evolution of everything in the cosmos.’
The progress of each individual depends on the progress of all other individuals in society. Therefore, for the fulfillment of our own aspirations, the progress of all those around us should also be promoted.
The Science of Creative Intelligence offers a formula for maximum growth, at the fastest rate, of both the individual and the environment through contacting the fundamental value of evolution: the pure field of Creative Intelligence within our own transcendental, self-referral consciousness.
‘The development of Creative Intelligence through the regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique is the solution to all individual and environmental problems.’ Maharishi said.
*Maharishi’s World Plan: Over the three decades since 1974, the goals and activities of the World Plan have grown and evolved to become the programmes of the Global Country of World Peace to create enlightenment for every individual and invincibility for every nation.
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