With Transcendental Meditation, students experience their unbounded potential and infinite genius. Their ability to experience the bliss of Unity in all diversity becomes available. This experience is the ground for their success and fulfilment in life.
by Global Good News staff writer
28 November 2008
On 29 August 1982, in Seelisberg, Switzerland, Maharishi began this talk by saying that Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M.—then known as Maharishi International University), in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, is an institution that is extraordinary and unique. While other universities teach only the parts of knowledge, this university 'stands in the line of the Vedic Tradition of Masters who have known the wholeness of life', Maharishi said.
The profound purpose of study at Maharishi University of Management is to gain the support of the almighty force of Nature. This is achieved through the practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.
'The first letter of Rk Veda, "A", is the fundamental of creation; it is the eternal continuum of consciousness. Within this eternal continuum is the complete range of life, from the unexpressed, unmanifest to the completely expressed, manifest value.
'All branches of Maharishi's Vedic Science, all disciplines of modern science, and all knowledge of the various levels of creation emerge from this eternal continuum of consciousness, the Self,' Maharishi said.
'When the experience of the Self is lacking, one's unbounded potential, infinite genius, and ability to experience the bliss of Unity in all diversity is not available. This lack of experience of the Self is the ground for all weakness and suffering.'
The experience of creation as fragmented and separated is due to impurities in the nervous system of the individual, Maharishi explained. M.U.M.'s great task as an educational institution is to purify the student's nervous system so that it is capable of reflecting the infinite glory of the Self, in which "A", that eternal continuum of consciousness, is found.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Maharishi University of Management, received from the Vedic Tradition of teachers that pure knowledge which is complete, precise, and perfect in its power to bring enlightenment to individuals and nations. Maharishi has applied this knowledge for the benefit of all humanity and has established Maharishi University of Management to preserve the profound knowledge of Maharishi's Vedic Science for generations to come.
Maharishi's Vedic Science is taking all the different disciplines of modern science to the level of completion and perfection and is giving the insight that 'the total potential of human life belongs to that level which governs the whole cosmos, and is the source of all creation.'
'The unfoldment of the full potential of Natural Law through the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme is restructuring the values of life, so that struggle and strife will no longer exist,' Maharishi said. 'Success, happiness, and harmony will prevail on every level of life, and life will be lived in full accordance with Natural Law.
'The inner values of life are going to guide the surface values of life. Life on the individual, social, and international levels will be founded on the infinite value of Natural Law at the transcendental level of creation.
'We are in the possession of that pure knowledge through which the full organizing power of Nature will be commanded and controlled through this knowledge. Life will be in tune with the full potential of Natural Law, and individuals and nations will spontaneously enjoy mastery over Nature.'
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