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The totality of knowledge is available to everyone in their own self-referral consciousness.



The knowledge of singularity and multiplicity—the total range of knowledge
by Global Good News staff writer
20 October 2008

When inaugurating Maharishi Vedic University in the United States on 12 January, 1985, in Washington DC, USA, Maharishi explained:

'When consciousness is completely self-referral, it knows itself. In this one unified state, we find three values—knower, known, and process of knowing. When they are simultaneously three and one, there is an infinite contraction to remain one and expansion to become three. 

'There is an infinite pulsation or dynamism of infinity converging to a point and point expanding to infinity. This infinite dynamism of the self-referral nature of pure consciousness creates that hum or vibration which is Veda.'  

On 11th January, he said that pure awareness, being self-referral, knows itself. It is therefore its own knower, process of knowing, and known—Rishi, Devata, and Chandas [in the Vedic language]. 

'Pure consciousness is one, completely open to itself; and it is three, because it is the observer, observed, and observation. It is one and three, point and infinity, at the same time. 

'The awareness, knowing its point value and infinity at the same time, must be here, there, and everywhere. This gives awareness infinite dynamism,' Maharishi explained. 

'The knowledge of one and three or singularity and multiplicity, is the total range of knowledge. It gives precise knowledge of a point and its relationship with any point anywhere and everywhere. This relationship of a point with infinity is the basis of knowledge of the past, present, and future. 

'By knowing one point, it is possible to calculate precisely the characteristics of all future points. The Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme is a means of subjectively developing Jyotish-Vidya, that totality of knowledge which will reveal the past, present, and future—any aspect of anything at any time. 

'Research at Maharishi Vedic University will be in the field of consciousness; it will not depend upon a huge number of library books. The books of ancient Vedic Literature, and the modern literature of physics, chemistry, and mathematics will serve to verify the experience of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Progamme. 

'Vedic Literature is the record of how the impulses of Nature function. These impulses are three in one—Rishi, Devata, and Chandas. By knowing how Rishi, Devata, or Chandas is functioning today, we can predict how it will function tomorrow. If there will be any deviation from the natural path of evolution, if there will be any imbalance, it can then be amended by Maharishi Ayur-Veda

'The unmanifest level of one and three together is the basis of law. Manu, the first lawgiver [in the ancient Vedic Tradition], indicates that from this eternal field of life, all mankind can receive the knowledge of law, the light of life to guide all behaviour. 

'We are inaugurating the same possession of Natural Law that has been expounded by Manu, Plato, and all wise men in the past who have established seats of knowledge. A university is a place to create knowledge, to guide the student to locate that all-powerful seat of knowledge within himself. 

'Since the settled state of self-referral awareness is one and three at the same time, there must be an exchange, an impulse,' Maharishi continued. 'That reverberation in the unmanifest is clearly heard—this is Shruti,  ['That which is heard'], Veda

'The impulse of the Veda appreciates itself; it is heard by itself. The pace with which it is heard is Chandas, the observer of it is Rishi, and that which connects the observer and the observed is Devata

'There is connection between Rishi, Devata, and Chandas because they are three, and there is loss of connection between them because they are one. The emergence and loss of connection occurs so frequently that this vibration or hum is an eternal reality—this is Veda

'From this basic impulse, Nature multiplies itself, creates the whole universe, and governs it. The purpose of the Vedic University is to unfold that already functioning field of all possibilities within everyone.' 

Maharishi then explained that Karma Mimamsa, the analysis of action, [one aspect of the Vedic Literature], covers not only the manifest value of action, but also the unmanifest area of action where the three are in one. All action emerges from the singularity of pure consciousness, which in itself is the trinity of Rishi, Devata, and Chandas

'Singularity is the seat of Yoga [another aspect of the Vedic Literature]; the three are the field of Karma Mimamsa; and the togetherness of one and three in the Self is Vedant. All the different theories of knowledge originate in that state where one is three—the Samhita [togetherness, oneness, wholeness] of the Veda. All the different aspects of Vedic Literature are the elaborated versions of that totality of knowledge within oneself.' 

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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