Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


MUM campus
'By developing enlightened individuals, Maharishi University of Management will be the lighthouse of knowledge for all generations to come.'



Education for Enlightenment
by Global Good News staff writer
2 September 2008

Now known as Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M.), this unique university was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1974 as Maharishi International University. This talk* about education for enlightenment at Maharishi University of Management was given by Maharishi on 8 May 1980 at M.U.M. which is located in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. 

The basis of education at Maharishi University of Management is the development of consciousness through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. M.U.M.'s profound programme of study develops enlightenment together with academic excellence. 'The enthusiasm and receptivity of the students at M.U.M. makes teaching a joy,' Maharishi said.  

One of Maharishi's fundamental insights for education is that knowledge is structured in consciousness. The expansion of consciousness, the container of knowledge—particularly through the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme—enhances the student's learning ability while he is enjoying holistic growth to enlightenment. 

Maharishi explained that at M.U.M. all disciplines are studied in the light of Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence. 'This study reveals that the ultimate value of every discipline is consciousness. When one experiences consciousness as the basis of all disciplines, one appreciates all branches of knowledge in greater depth,' he said. 

Scientific research has shown that orderliness of brain functioning increases through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. Research at M.U.M. is making it possible to quantify the growth of higher states of consciousness for the first time. 

The main area of research at M.U.M. is research on consciousness as a field of all possibilities through the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. This programme 'develops the ability to project a thought from the level of pure consciousness, and research has shown that this results in maximum coherence in brain functioning and optimal mind-body coordination. Thought from this field of pure consciousness enlivens the full potential of Natural Law,' Maharishi said. 

The introduction of Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence into every field of education will fulfil the highest goal of education, which is to develop a fully creative, fulfilled individual and to raise the nation to invincibility. Maharishi concludes, 'By developing enlightened individuals, Maharishi University of Management will be the lighthouse of knowledge for all generations to come.' 

* This talk is also available in Maharishi's book Maharishi Speaks to Educators: Mastery over Natural Law.


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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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