Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


As awareness expands to unboundedness, through the Transcendental Meditation Technique, the individual's capacity to comprehend also becomes unbounded, thus making him the master of infinity and an enlightened owner of supreme knowledge.



The Science of Creative Intelligence: The unified basis of knowledge
by Global Good News staff writer
11 September 2008

In Chapter 26 of his book Enlightenment and Invincibility: Maharishi's Supreme Offer to the World, Maharishi says that the need for a single, unifying understanding of Nature that would comprehend all the principles and laws found in every academic discipline has been the pressing need of the time. 

In the past many attempts to provide such a unified basis of science have been made in different theories of modern science. All seek to define the processes of growth and the value of wholeness and order that is found everywhere in Nature, Maharishi wrote. All have failed. 

The reason for the failure has been simply that none of these approaches provides experience. Each one is only an intellectual construct. None attempts to bridge the gap between the subject or knower, and the object of knowledge. None succeeds in providing a means for the scientist to be both a part of his field and an objective observer of it. 

The Science of Creative Intelligence, however, does provide the unifying insight that synthesizes all elements in the field with the knower. This insight is gained through the direct experience of pure consciousness, the simplest state of human awareness, as the common source of the entire range of creativity in Nature. 

By gaining both direct experience and intellectual knowledge of the growth of consciousness, the student appreciates the relationship between all disciplines, and their common basis in fundamental principles of growth and order found in their pure form in his own awareness. 

In addition, he gains the increased mental capacity necessary to grasp the infinite correlation between all areas of his knowledge and experience. 

So far, no approach to interdisciplinary study has remotely approached this achievement, simply because direct experience of higher states of consciousness was not given. Only when the physiological functioning of the brain itself is optimized through the development of total coherence, can the direct experience of the wholeness of knowledge be obtained. Once this is achieved, the fruit of all knowledge is available: 'Know that by which everything may be known.' 

Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme are the experiential tools of the Science of Creative Intelligence. By providing direct experience of pure consciousness within the individual they allow him to actually own knowledge. The realization comes that one knows only as much as one is capable of knowing. 

As awareness expands to unboundedness, the individual's capacity to comprehend also becomes unbounded, thus making him the master of infinity and an enlightened owner of supreme knowledge. He is able to comprehend through direct experience that the Nature of life is unbounded bliss consciousness; that life is unbounded both in its silent inner phase and in its active outer phase.  

That is why the Science of Creative Intelligence is both the source and goal of all knowledge. 

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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