Students feel so fortunate to have Vedic Knowledge, which is completely natural, completely full, completely total.
by Global Good News staff writer
14 April 2009
On 22 September 2004, Maharishi’s Global Press Conference was broadcast from Constitution Hall at the International Headquarters of the Central Bank of the Global Country of World Peace in Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
Constitution Hall was filled with students—from Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, and management students at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA.
In the context of all these students, Raja John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace presented to Maharishi two questions on education that came from the press.
In a previous press conference Maharishi had spoken about how his Vedic Education will provide a student with Total Knowledge in one word, and how that knowledge would then be systematically expanded into environmental values.
The press asked Maharishi what is that one word that reveals Total Knowledge, and how is it possible for Total Knowledge to be contained in just one word?
Maharishi responded that it is very interesting. That one word is the word with which a child is born.
‘The word with which child is born is “A”. “A” is the word. “A” is the first syllable of Atma. Atma is the Self—bliss, Transcendental Consciousness, the Unified Field,’ Maharishi answered.
‘Unbounded “A” is the first syllable of Veda. From “A” flows the stream of Total Knowledge. “A” is the flow—”A”. It is the flow of Total Knowledge.’
Maharishi explained that within ‘A’, when one goes through the letters of the Vedic Literature, the vowels and consonants, then one goes through ‘A’: from ‘A’, one goes to ‘I’, to ‘U’, to ‘R’—one within the other.
‘This one within the other starts from infinity—”A”,’ Maharishi said, ‘and comes down [through] eight steps. Then “A”, infinity, becomes “mmmma”, point.’
From infinity to point is the range of the total field of life, the range of Total Knowledge, the range of total existence, total intelligence, total creativity.
‘All the total creativity—from “A” to “I” to “U”—is between “A” and “I,”’ Maharishi continued. ‘ “A” is the first letter of Veda; “I” is the last letter of Veda. So between “A” and “I” is the total Veda.
‘When you go from one letter to the second letter, you have passed through the whole stream of Total Knowledge—the Veda. That is why Veda is all over—in one syllable, two syllables, three syllables, four syllables.’
‘A’ is the word, and Atma Maharishi defined as Brahm, Totality.
‘ “Totality” means silence and dynamism both together,’ he said, ‘the unified state of silence and dynamism. Between “A” and “I” is the elaboration of the first letter, which is total Veda. “A” to “I” means total Veda.
‘The system of Veda, Total Knowledge, is from syllable to syllable to syllable. Very naturally it comes with life, conducts through life, moves through life. . . the flow of infinity to its point always.
Point to infinity, and infinity to point—this is Maharishi’s analysis of the language of the Veda, which is not a human concept. It is not humanly conceived. ‘That “A” contains everything is not a human concept,’ Maharishi continued. ‘That “A” to “I” is all activity is not a human concept. That is why we go by this royal road where there is no hurdle on the ground, no doubt, nothing, no obstacle to it.
‘The Bhagavad Gita says, “No obstacle to it.” The whole theme of Vedic Knowledge is completely natural, completely full, completely total. This has to be the awareness of every individual—always naturally, completely total.
‘This is the education that we are going to establish through all these Vedic Universities. It presents a different world. It is like creating the lotus from a muddy pond. It is very fortunate to have this Vedic Knowledge continuously coming from some part of the world, some tribe. All these different, ancient, Vedic tribes have been coming with total possibility for man—absolutely total possibility for man.
‘We want to start with about three hundred Peace Palaces. Associated with these will be three hundred university campuses which will have colleges and schools—high schools, middle schools, whatever is the system of classification with the growing age.’
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