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yogic flyer
Yogic Flyer at Maharishi School in Fairfield, Iowa, USA.



Yogic Flying—gaining mastery over gravity
by Global Good News staff writer
14 August 2009

While a space shuttle blasts through the air, seemingly defying the classical law of gravity by brute force, the liftoff of Yogic Flyers is profoundly silent and effortless. The Yogic Flyers are not expending energy, but are becoming more energetic as they ‘work with’ the gravitational field, molding it, so to speak, to pull the body up rather than down.

How can this be possible? How can they do this?

Accessing the field of all possibilities
As practitioners of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, Yogic Flyers have, in Maharishi’s words, ‘the technology for human consciousness to harness the total creative potential of natural law’. Maharishi explains, ‘Through the practice of Transcendental Meditation, the conscious mind identifies itself with the unified field, and human awareness is open to its own full potential, the infinite potential of nature’s intelligence.’ 

That infinite potential is an unlimited field of all possibilities, including the gravitational field pulling the body up. Indeed, physicist Dr John Hagelin explains, the downward pull of gravity is only the result of statistical averaging of all possibilities. The law of gravity is not an absolute law. It is a statistical law, Dr Hagelin says, an approximate law depending upon ‘the probable occurrence of many microscopic events'. In actuality, the pull of gravity can be up, sideways, or in any direction.

To understand more thoroughly, a closer look at physics is helpful.

From Einstein to quantum mechanics
Einstein gained two brilliant insights into space and time—one, that they are not ‘mere passive arenas in which things happen,’ but ‘are dynamical participants in the evolution of the universe’; and two, that ‘space and time are two aspects of one underlying reality, called space-time, with gravity equivalent to curvatures in space-time,’ always having a single definitive shape around matter, specifically pointing downward in the vicinity of the earth.

However, a more recent theory in physics, quantum theory, teaches that fields ‘never have a precise shape. Instead, fields embody all possible shapes at once.’ While Einstein’s equations indicate that the behaviour of objects is completely predictable, quantum mechanics ‘holds that we can at best make statistical predictions about how fundamental forces and elementary particles behave.’

Yes, the gravitational field has shape, but, according to quantum mechanics, like all fields, ‘it possesses all possible shapes at once.  The gravitational force points in all directions at the same time.’ The result of the combining of all these shapes is that they ‘average out’ producing, at our classical level of observation, a downward pull. 

This so-called averaging out can be understood by a comparison to a shirt woven of red and white fibers. The individual colours, in the absence of a magnifying glass, average out so that the shirt appears as pink. Likewise, 'the countless fluctuations that comprise the structure of space-time geometry at the quantum mechanical level are lost when we view it from the “distance” of the classical level, a vastly greater time and distance scale. The fluctuations average out. What we see, . . . is our familiar, classical world.’

Thus, we understand more clearly that the law of gravity, like other classical laws, is not definitive, but is only a statistical law indicating the most probable outcome of infinite microscopic fluctuations. This outcome is not the only possible outcome.

The physics of flying—governing statistical law by appealing to a higher authority
To explain how we are fooled into thinking classical laws are absolute, Dr Hagelin offers an example of a stream of water falling into two glasses. A given molecule of water has a 50% chance of falling into glass 1 or glass 2. In watching the process, the two glasses would appear to fill up with the same amount of water, yet the amounts entering each glass would not be exactly the same. If it requires 1024 molecules to fill a glass, statistics tells us that the difference in amounts actually entering each glass would be 1012 molecules—a very large number yet so small compared to 1024 that it would not be measurable. The two glasses would appear to have equal amounts of water.

Dr Hagelin then provides knowledge to allow us to consider just how possibilities other than ‘the most probable’ may arise.  He points out that a microscopic creature with a microscopic ping pong paddle could, with a delicate impulse at just the right moment, deflect the water molecules so that they all entered glass 1. He explains, ‘If you operate at a microscopic level, you can influence the underlying patterns of statistical averaging and thereby overthrow the classical laws on the surface of life.' 

In a manner analogous to the creature’s use of a ping-pong paddle, a practitioner of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, employs procedures which allow the introduction of a specific intention at the deepest level of one’s consciousness, the level of pure consciousness or the unified field.

‘By introducing a sustained, coherent influence at this level,' Dr Hagelin tells us, 'one [the sidha] could give a new direction to the laws of statistical averaging that give rise to conventional classical behavior. And this in turn could create dramatic changes on the everyday level of life.'

In the case of Yogic Flying, by operating at the quantum mechanical level of the unified field, the practitioner has access to all possible configurations of the gravitational field, all possible curvatures of space-time, allowing the creation of any desired shape of that field. While the most probable outcome of gravity may be a downward pull, the Yogic Flyer could inject an influence resulting in a different outcome.

‘The Yogic Flyer would fall up,’ Dr Hagelin says. But he emphasizes that Yogic Flying is not in defiance of gravity. It 'simply enables one to access a deeper level of Natural Law, a deeper level of gravity—quantum gravity—to create another gravitational outcome. One is simply appealing to a higher authority.'

 ‘Not something superhuman'
Thus, having gained the ability to enliven the Unified Field in the prescribed manner, the Yogic Flyer does indeed find that his body naturally lifts up. In the first stage of Yogic Flying, the body moves forward in hops. With time, as the physiology becomes purer and purer through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and greater mind-body coordination develops, the second and third stages of Yogic Flying, floating and flying through the air, also occur completely naturally.

‘The performance of siddhis [including Yogic Flying],’ Maharishi explains, ‘which in the days of ignorance were termed superhuman powers, is not something superhuman. Everything, is within the normal range of man’s ability—to handle the whole of cosmic life is within the range of everyone’s own nature.'

Editor’s note: The information in this article is from The Complete Book of Yogic Flying by Craig Pearson and is available from Maharishi University of Management Press.

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