The Transcendental Meditation Programme is taught to students in over 100 countries.
by Global Good News staff writer
1 December 2009
Speaking recently on the Maharishi Channel, Dr Peter Swan, Minister of Communication of the Global Country of World Peace, presented a summary of the benefits of Transcendental Meditation in education.
He said that Transcendental Meditation is the most extensively researched programme for the development of the full potential of mind and body. Over five million people have learnt the technique and more than 600 scientific research studies have been conducted at over 250 independent research institutions in 33 countries.
These studies have been published in over 100 leading scientific journals worldwide. They objectively document the profound benefits of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme for every sphere of life—physiological, psychological, sociological, and for the whole environment.
Scientific research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme in education
Scientists have found the experience of Transcendental Consciousness that occurs during the practice of Transcendental Meditation enlivens the whole brain leading towards total brain functioning.
Total brain functioning in turn leads to many benefits in the field of education including:
* Increased use of hidden reserves of the brain;
* Increased mental clarity and wakefulness;
* Accelerated cognitive development in children;
* Increased learning ability and improved academic performance;
* Improved problem-solving ability;
* Improved verbal and analytical thinking;
* Decreased drop-out rate from school;
* Decreased examination anxiety;
* Research studies in schools and colleges in many countries have found that Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme optimize brain functioning through Yogic Flying;
* Increased intelligence in both secondary school students and university students;
* Improved memory;
* Improved college grades;
* Increased creativity;
* Increased self-esteem.
Many research studies on the benefits of Transcendental Meditation have been replicated throughout the world proving that Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme have the potential to positively transform the life of every child, the education system, and through education, the population of the whole world.
‘This is not wishful thinking,’ Dr Swan said. ‘It is a matter of proven scientific research.’ He mentioned the peer-reviewed research that has been published in many leading scientific journals including:
* Education
* Scientific American
* The Lancet
* Intelligence
* The International Journal of Neuroscience
* Memory and Cognition
* The Journal of Moral Education
* The Journal of Educational Psychology
* The Journal of Mind and Behaviour and many others.
Dr Swan quoted a comment by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi about Transcendental Meditation in education:
“We should give this education to all our children in the world, in every country. That's why [we have] our programme for invincibility to every nation*. It's a very beautiful thing, and that is going to be our educational system in the world—Total Knowledge in every university. All that we are establishing in universities, schools, colleges, there the purpose is to give Total Knowledge so that in every fragmentation of relative life the Absolute prevails.'
The Transcendental Meditation Programme is taught in over 100 countries. For information on where to learn Transcendental Meditation visit www.tm.globalgoodnews.com
* One of Maharishi’s programmes for world peace is to create invincibility for every nation through the introduction of Consciousness-Based Education in schools all over the world, where large groups of students practise the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme together as part of their education.
These large groups enliven the ‘Maharishi Effect’ in collective consciousness, creating coherence in national consciousness, the basis of invincibility for each nation, which in turn is the basis of world peace.
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