MUM students are fully immersed in one course each month, and then move on to the next course.
by Global Good News staff writer
18 December 2009
Students at Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, Iowa, are thrilled with the Consciousness-Based Education they are receiving. Emphasizing the value of MUM’s ‘block system’, in which they study one subject at a time, the students find their educational experience to be stress-free and learning to be natural, easy, and effective.
A major in Sustainable Living, Puki, blissfully expresses, ‘The block system is the most amazing thing ever. You’re focusing totally on one class. One makes it totally stress-free because you don’t have to divide the mind. You don’t have to think, “Oh, I have this assignment for this, I have this assignment for this.”
Claudia, a Vedic Science student, is not only happy that she can totally immerse herself in one subject at a time, but is delighted that when she is done with a subject and moves on to the next, she finds that her next class uses and builds upon what she has just learned. ‘So, I’m not just taking a subject and absorbing it and throwing it away and moving on to the next thing. There are little threads from each course that are brought into the next course. You’re constantly building towards something,’ she says, expressing her sense of fulfilment.
Business student, Agata, refers to the naturalness and easiness of learning at MUM. Like the other students, she shows particularly great satisfaction in the block system. ‘You put all your energies and all the focus into one element of learning,’ Agata explains. ‘And therefore you don’t get distracted. There’s this one thing and you’re learning that.’ She then points out a special quality of her experience of the block system at MUM. ‘You become the subject you’re learning,’ Agata says. ‘It’s not [that] you have to learn it from the outside. You enter the subject and you just learn it naturally. It becomes easy.’
Alex, a business major from Venezuela, likewise emphasizes the ease of learning at MUM through the block system. Acknowledging ‘Some days I didn’t really even feel like learning things,’ Alex then conceded, ‘but I did anyway just because [of] how it was structured. You’re in class 4 hours a day, in that one class. You’re constantly submerged [in] it. So there’s no way you can not learn whatever you’re learning.’
Alex concludes, ‘It’s absolutely effective and it’s what education should be. It fulfills what education is, which is to educate, not to just get good grades.’
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