Through being part of the global award-winning network of Maharishi Schools, using tried and tested methods, children will become the best possible as their infinite inner potential awakens.
by Global Good News staff writer
22 December 2009
Over the past fifty years, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has brought to light the missing element at the basis of education—the field of pure consciousness or Transcendental Consciousness, the deep inner awareness of every student.
Scientific research has shown that this experience of Transcendental Consciousness, gained through the simple, natural technique of Transcendental Meditation, awakens the total functioning of the brain, making it possible to unfold the full creative potential of every student and teacher.
Traditionally, education has focused primarily on what the students study—the objective aspect of knowledge, the known. Very little attention has been given to developing the abilities of the student to learn. The quality of a student’s awareness is fundamental to successful education.
Consciousness-Based Education directly develops receptivity, intelligence, creativity, and neurophysiological integration in students irrespective of their background, beliefs, gender, or abilities.
All Maharishi schools and universities are committed to systematically developing the full potential of both student and teacher through their daily practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.
This programme is offered in schools and universities around the world: in India, Great Britain, the United States, Australia, South Africa, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Russia, Kenya, and in many countries of Latin America.
Funding for many of these programmes has been provided by the David Lynch Foundation in the USA, which has the goal of teaching the Transcendental Meditation Technique to over one million at risk children. A project was also just launched
in Brazil to teach 1.5 million children in order to reduce violence in the schools.
In India Maharishi’s Consciousness-based Education is offered at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools throughout the country, and at the Maharishi Center for Educational Excellence. Maharishi Vedic Science is taught along side other traditional educational disciplines to support the full development of consciousness.
In England, Consciousness-Based Education is taught at Maharishi School near Skelmersdale in Lancashire. Since Maharishi School started entering pupils for GCSE examinations in 1990, the percentage of GCSE passes at grades A or A* is 39.1%, while nationally the figure is 14% over the same period. Pupils at Maharishi School pass examinations at grades A or A* at almost 3 times the national rate. Passes at grades A to C are almost 60% higher than the national average while the percentage of pupils passing 5 or more GCSE examinations at grades A*-C is double the national average rate
Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa, USA has had similar remarkable achievements. Students graduate from Maharishi School with the 21st century skills necessary for a productive and satisfying life in a global knowledge-based environment. Maharishi School is one of only seven college preparatory schools in Iowa and graduates have been accepted by the best schools in the nation for the last 25 years.
Students at Maharishi School in Melbourne, Australia, have the following to say about their school:
"Our school is a peace school. We like to make everyone feel part of the group."—
Year 5 student
"I love my art lessons at Maharishi School. When I draw it makes me feel happy on the inside. And when I'm happy, I'm healthy!"—
Year 4 student
"Here we do Transcendental Meditation which helps a lot because it reduces stress and makes you feel more calm."
—Year 6 student
Parents of students at the school are also very happy with the education their children are receiving.
‘Maharishi School is giving my children not only a solid base of learning skills but also the self-esteem and self-knowledge to make positive choices for themselves throughout their lives.’
‘My children are a lot more confident and people often mention how radiant they both look.’
‘The beautiful, calm and nurturing environment creates the perfect atmosphere for learning and growing.’
The Maharishi Institute in Johannesburg, South Africa, offers courses in leadership training, business administration, and vocational training all taught within the structure of Consciousness-Based Education. Students have reported feeling happier, more calm and relaxed and that study at this Institute is ‘the opportunity of a life-time.’
In Switzerland Maharishi International School offers study of the traditional school subjects in light of the knowledge of the full potential of human consciousness, together with a technology for directly developing the consciousness of every student—their latent brain potential—so that they awaken to the experience Total Knowledge within themselves.
In Latin America Consciousness-Based Education has been instrumental in the reduction violence and crime in schools. Many thousands of students have begun the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying. Large groups of students practising this programme is the means to create invincibility for all the countries of Latin America.
For further example of the success of Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based Education around the world, please visit the Education page of Global Good News website.
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