Student council president Mariam Daudi at the 2007 Maharishi University of Management convocation.
by Global Good News staff writer
27 December 2009
A group of only 8000 university students anywhere can easily bring peace to the minds of men—fulfilling the words of the UNESCO Constitution and the aspirations of all mankind for a peaceful world— by applying Maharishi’s scientifically verified Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying,
Two years ago at the convocation of Maharishi University of Management, the student council president Mariam Daudi posed some heartfelt questions. She asked: ‘Can you imagine the world at peace, to think that maybe one day in my lifetime I will be able to say that there are no conflicts anywhere in the world, that the world is at peace?’ The poignancy and intimacy of her words grew stronger as she continued, ‘And for me, having been born in Kabul, Afghanistan, and not having one day in my lifetime where my country has been at peace, it’s also very personal.’ (http://www.mum.edu/video_cafe.html, “Can you imagine the world at peace?”)
These thoughts of Mariam Daudi are echoed today in the cries of student activists in the US protesting the American and NATO involvement in Afghanistan with chants of ‘Fund education, not occupation’ and ‘What do we want? Peace! When do we want it? Now!’ They are simply expressing the desire of humankind around the world. World peace has been the goal of all societies for all time.
Yes, the intention of student activists to end the war in Afghanistan as well as US occupation of Iraq will, in time, likely find fulfilment. But what is to prevent a new war from surfacing elsewhere in the world about which students will again take to the streets in protest? The formation of the League of Nations following World War I was to ensure that that was the ‘war to end all wars’. But since then, hundreds of wars have been fought around the world.
Is there an answer to war? Can it come to an end?
Peace begins in the minds of men
Fortunately, Mariam Daudi has found some positive answers to these questions. Intuitively, Mariam had known that there is something, in her words, ‘beyond the surface level of suffering, the surface level of life, . . . something pure and simple that would make the world make sense.’ A feeling inside to learn to meditate had been there for some time when she finally acted. Having heard about Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme she googled it and found what she was searching for.
Mariam located an instructor and learnt this simple, natural effortless technique, whereby the excitations of the mind settle down and the meditator transcends even the subtlest level of thought. He/she experiences a silence which, in the words of Roses Derise, in her personal essay entitled, ‘The Domes Revisited’, is ‘that sweet spot inside so still that even breath causes ripples in it, that oasis hidden on the dark side of the moon, that place inside where we flirt with genesis’. The Transcendental Meditation Technique brings an experience of restful alertness in which the mind is completely at rest yet fully awake inside. It is a state of deep, profound inner peace whose benefits in every area of life—mind, body, behaviour and environment— have been extensively validated by scientific research. (link to research)
Speaking to the 61st session of the UN General Assembly, Shashi Tharoor, the UN Undersecretary General for Communication and Public Information, reminded his audience that ‘the UNESCO Constitution . . . tells us, in the words of the poet Archibald MacLeish, that as war begins in the mind of men, it is in the minds of men that the foundations of peace must be constructed.’ Tharoor added, ‘that it is not just war and peace, but the entire fabric of human life and society which mush be constructed in the mind.’
Deep within every man, is an ocean of peace and happiness. By allowing the mind to tap into that reservoir and become infused with its values, Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique is that technology which can and is bringing fulfilment to these words.
Spreading inner peace to the world
Mariam’s university, Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, is a focal point from where that peace is being structured. When she first heard of MUM, Mariam felt that it ‘sounded like the kind of stuff that dreams are made of.’ She was thrilled that here was a place where the ‘broader focus is on self-development’, where all of the students practise Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique and many participate in the advanced, more powerful Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying. The effect of their group practice is not only more creativity and intelligence, better health, and improved relationships on a personal level, but a more harmonious society.
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