‘For all thinkers and researchers in any area of science and technology, it is vital to maintain wakefulness of the total potential of Natural Law—self-referral consciousness.’—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
by Global Good News staff writer
2 December 2009
The whole field of Natural Law is so complex that it is not possible to select any specific law without taking into consideration the total involvement of all the Laws of Nature.
All the Laws of Nature are so intimately connected that the isolation of any one law will create imbalance in any other field of life.
Maharishi explains in his book Maharishi Vedic University: Introduction that it is therefore necessary for an individual researching at any institution to take courses in Maharishi Vedic Science so that they are able to connect the part with the whole—any specific part of Natural Law with reference to the total potential of Natural Law, the Unified Field.
‘The only way to take full advantage of the connectedness of “part with the whole”,’ he said, ‘is to enliven the total potential of Natural Law in one’s awareness and spontaneously initiate all thought and action from this level.’
He said that for all thinkers and researchers in any area of science and technology, it is vital to maintain wakefulness of the total potential of Natural Law—self-referral consciousness. ‘Only this will ensure purity of principles on the theoretical level of scientific research and pollution-free technology,’ he said.
Maharishi advised researchers and the wise men of every country who are the guiding lights of their nation in any field of law, politics, economics, social affairs, engineering, psychology, cosmology, medicine, architecture, agriculture, industry, defence, and international relations, to take short or long courses of Maharishi Vedic University in order to do justice to their personal and professional aspirations to serve the nation—or all mankind—with new findings through their research work.
‘If the part is not connected with the whole, then pollution is inevitable,’ Maharishi said. ‘The only way to have pollution-free progress through new research is to comprehend how each area of the infinite variety in creation always expands, but does not produce pollution, because in this theme of evolution in Nature, the part is always connected to the whole so the total organizing power of Natural Law is persistently available to every stage of evolution of everything.
‘The knowledge of total Natural Law, which is designed for researchers in any field, is one of the basic procedures for creating pollution-free progress,’ Maharishi said.
He stated that, for example, all research in biochemistry or genetic engineering is obviously dangerous because it does not maintain connectedness of the part with the whole. Research in the light of the total knowledge of Natural Law, as provided by Maharishi Vedic University, has the ability to promote a pollution-free society without obstructing the path of progress.
Maharishi Vedic University has a role in creating enlightenment for the individual; problem-free, disease-free, crime-free society; self-sufficiency and invincibility for every nation; irreversible world peace; and conflict-free, problem-free politics— governments with the ability to prevent problems.
Scientific research over the last 50 years on the Transcendental Meditation Programme has verified the possibility of creating a more balanced, progressive, and fulfilled quality of life for every individual and an ideal society.
If the political leadership of the world is ever to achieve these long-sought goals of mankind, ‘it will only be through the knowledge available in Maharishi Vedic University,’ Maharishi said, ‘—the complete knowledge of consciousness, the prime mover of life.
‘All these apparently different, desirable values for perfection in the life of every individual and every nation are practically achievable today because all these are the different levels of evolution of the same one element of pure consciousness, the self-referral state of one’s own consciousness. This knowledge is absolutely vital for every nation,’ he said.
The experience of pure consciousness and the development of higher states of consciousness, in which the part—one’s individual awareness—is connected to the wholeness or totality of consciousness—the Unified Field of Natural Law—is easily and naturally attained through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.
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