With the Transcendental Meditation technique studens are able to expand the container of knowledge, the mind, by expanding their own consciousness.
by Global Good News staff writer
8 December 2009
Knowledge is structured in consciousness, and consciousness is the most basic element of creation. Maharishi has said that consciousness is the prime mover of life. Since knowledge is structured in consciousness, complete knowledge is only available when consciousness is fully awake, fully self-referral. Fully self-referral consciousness is Transcendental Consciousness, which is available to everyone through the Transcendental Meditation Programme.
In his book Maharishi Vedic University: Introduction, Maharishi explains more fully these statements about consciousness. Through the experience of Transcendental Consciousness—unbounded awareness, the home of all the Laws of Nature—the container of knowledge, the mind of the student, is able to contain more and more knowledge day by day. He finally succeeds in becoming ‘the embodiment of all knowledge.’
Vedic Education gives importance to both values, the growth of knowledge and growth of the container of knowledge, the consciousness of the student. ‘Vedic’ means pertaining to Veda. ‘Veda’ means knowledge, complete knowledge.
In offering complete theoretical and practical knowledge of consciousness, Vedic Education at Maharishi Vedic University and at other universities founded by Maharishi, opens the field of all possibilities in the life of the student. Vedic Education enlivens and unfolds the self-referral consciousness of everyone.
Through Maharishi’s Vedic Science and Technology, the Science and Technology of Consciousness, Vedic Education offers mastery in the field of consciousness, enabling the Vedic scientist to accomplish anything and live fulfilment in daily through the support of Natural Law.
‘The time has now come in this scientific age for everyone to gain complete knowledge of his own consciousness,’ Maharishi said, ‘and to live life in its full potential of bliss, freedom, and fulfilment.’
Maharishi Vedic University and Vedic Education offer fulfilment to all educational systems in the world through courses in the Science and Technology of Consciousness—Maharishi’s Vedic Science and Technology, the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying.
‘Every student and all others who have passed the student age should take advantage of this beautiful knowledge and bring fulfilment to life,’ Maharishi continued, ‘because everyone has consciousness within himself, so practically using the total potential of Natural Law is the natural birthright of everyone.’
Maharishi Vedic University and Vedic Education ‘is for those who would like to develop their full creative potential, gain the support of Natural law, be the guiding light of their nation, and lead the world to lasting peace and happiness,’ Maharishi said.
Every individual can live a mistake-free life, and for that everyone should enjoy Vedic Education—the study of consciousness and research in consciousness through the Transcendental Meditation Programme. Maharishi’s Vedic Education ‘offers a healthy, wealthy, and wise life to every student, regardless of his or her profession and age.’.
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