Maharishi University of Enlightenment offers education that is truly refreshing and revitalizing.
by Global Good News staff writer
12 February 2009
One student of Maharishi University of Enlightenment (MUE) in the abode of the Mother Divine programme in the US, stands out. She is not what one usually thinks of as student age. A practitioner of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme for almost 35 years and the advanced TM-Sidhi Programme for about 25 years, she is now well into the octogenarian decade and is living proof of all the beneficial effects on the ageing process which research on these programmes have shown.* And, she feels that being at Maharishi University of Enlightenment augments these benefits, that in it she has found a 'fountain of youth.'
In a recent broadcast celebrating the eleventh anniversary of MUE, this very youthful student, full of energy, clarity, and bliss, expressed her feelings of being a Maharishi University of Enlightenment student. She said:
'Being a student in Mother Divine's home is really a magical technology for reversing the ageing process. I wake up in the morning and my whole day is a spontaneous stream of bliss from the group consciousness of Mother Divine. What a supreme gift Maharishi University of Enlightenment is to someone my age. I just wish that more and more people could enjoy the "fountain of youth" secret!
'So please come and join me at MUE in the home of Mother Divine, and fulfill the purpose of life—enlightenment. There is really nothing much else in life that is significant compared to that exalted state of consciousness. As I remember Maharishi saying: 'Always strive for that. Set your life around that goal.'
'I hope you will make the right decision as I did—to come. I look forward to seeing you here, getting younger and more enlightened each day through your experience at Mother Divine and Maharishi University of Enlightenment. Jai Guru Dev'
This student's desire can be shared by all the ladies of the world as the Mother Divine programme and Maharishi University of Enlightenment are being established around the globe to allow students of all ages to enjoy the bliss of this enlightening education.
*Scientific research studies (published in leading scientific journals and reported in a summary booklet, 'Scientific Research on the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field: The Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program—One Program to Develop All Areas of Life') indicate reversal of the negative effects of ageing through the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi programmes. They measure physiological parameters, such as blood pressure and reaction time; psychological considerations, such as learning ability and memory; and requirements for medical care. In all areas, the usual changes with age are reversed amongst practitioners of these programmes. Likewise, studies, as summarized in the booklet, show that those factors most closely related to longevity, including cardiovascular health, intelligence, and physical function, all improve as a result of the TM and TM-Sidhi programmes.
In addition, a study entitled, 'The Effects of The Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program on the Aging Process,' published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, 16, no. 1, and referenced in Robert Roth's book, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation, shows long-term TM meditators to be 12 years younger than their chronological age, and short-term TM meditators to be 5 years younger, while controls were only 2.2 years younger.
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