by Global Good News staff writer
21 January 2009
Introducing Maharishi's Global Press Conference on 19 October 2005, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, asked Maharishi a question from the Press about language.
Previously Maharishi had mentioned that having Yogic Flying groups in the 7,000 language areas of the world would be 'a shortcut' to the creation of an ideal world. So the question came from the Press: Why is it that having Yogic Flying groups in schools where children are learning and studying in their own Mother Tongue is a faster way of creating peace in the world than organizing any other kind of group? If this is the correct understanding, what is the reason that this kind of group is more powerful than any other group?'
Maharishi answered that children are naturally associated with the Mother Tongue. 'It is very unfortunate that—although at home the children are faced with the Mother Tongue, which is so natural, so full of love, and so full of unity—when they are sent to school they simply do not know what the language is there. It is not the same Mother Tongue; it is not the same language; it is a completely different language. What happens is that the tender brain membranes of the children get strained.
'At home there very naturally is the Mother Tongue, but when the children of four or five years go to school, it is a different language. It strains the children. Their tender brains are strained at that age. That strain becomes more and more and more. When he comes home, the time comes that the child is no more using the Mother Tongue with the mother, since he is using the foreign tongue with foreign people all the time.
'So the whole naturalness of total creativity, which blossoms through the Mother Tongue, is a closed door. This is the greatest damage that the modern system of education causes. Whosoever is the ruler, he teaches the children his language. The child has access to the local Mother Tongue until he is five or six years of age. The rest is strain. Now we want to create these [Yogic Flying] groups in the local Mother Tongue.'
Maharishi then explained when the children speak the same Mother Tongue, they bring all the different fields of knowledge into the Mother Tongue. When the boys practise Yogic Flying and the body lifts up, then the body lifts up under the command of the force of gravity—'the pure force of gravity, unstrained, simple, at the source of thought.'
Maharishi said that the boys get mixed up when they are ten or twelve years of age, because so many Mother Tongues are mixed up into one common language. 'When the boys practise Yogic Flying, they will enliven the total Mother Tongue, but its essence, which has given in to the mix-up, will have two, three, four, five different units of total Natural Law in it,' Maharishi said.
'When people of the same Mother Tongue practise Yogic Flying, then the same one unit of Natural Law will blossom. That means pure Natural Law—total Natural Law—will blossom.'
Where children speak a common language, there are so many different units of total Natural Law and these units will blossom. 'As long as the races are mixed up, so long there will be a dilution of the parental role of total Natural Law for the population,' he said.
'It is not necessary to change the Mother Tongue. We know these days that there are just a few—twenty or thirty tongues. Spanish is there; Portuguese is there, and the Indian language, Chinese, English—all these few languages; but underneath, amongst them, we found 7,000 or 8,000 [dialects].'
Maharishi said that the conclusion from this is that the administration will be purer and driven by total Natural Law, if the language area is small. 'In small kingdoms of the ancient kings, everyone spoke the same tongue and that was the Mother Tongue. Then the mix-up of tongues and mix-up of races was not there. A mix-up is not pure. And "not pure" means impure. Impure creativity will not be much of creativity. It will be robbed of its innovation,' he said.
'When we work for world peace, all these thoughts come to strengthen the path of gaining world peace. These are the fundamentals of world peace. It is the invaders that muddle up the Mother Tongue. It is the invaders; so this invasion has to disappear.
'Take recourse to the Mother Tongue,' Maharishi continued, 'and be naturally supported by the total Natural Law that flows through the Mother Tongue. All the Mother Tongues are different aspects of the Vedic tongue, the Vedic language.
'The Vedic language is total strength, total creativity, total Natural Law—very simple. Children have to study something, so why not give them their Mother Tongue? It will be easy.'
Maharishi then mentioned 'another very intelligent point', which is that when children go to school, if they are trained at that age to have command over gravity by Yogic Flying, they will get command over the power of gravity, the power of attraction and repulsion. 'They will get command and purify the whole collective consciousness of the nation,' he said.
'Then the government will find a coherent, harmonious, uniform national consciousness. If the children do not do that, the government does not get that coherent collective consciousness. There is no way for the government to control the behaviour of the people when they do not have coherent consciousness in force in national consciousness.
'Putting Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying in the schools creates the skill of perfect administration in the country. This is what we are going to do. Our programme is to make the children more and more awake in themselves in terms of total Natural Law. Thereby, naturally, they are evolutionary in their thought and behaviour, and naturally, in the whole society, individuals help each other. There are no contradictions, no party politics, no discussions. The running of the administration will be smooth. This will be automation in administration.'
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