The cultural values, including the dialects of language of each area, reflect the specific Laws of Nature that are lively in that area. When the local people are practise Yogic Flying together, it will be easier to create coherence in their area.
by Global Good News staff writer
23 January 2009
Following on from the previous article about Yogic Flying and children learning in the Mother Tongue (Excellence in Action, 21 January, 2009), during the Global Press Conference on 5 October, 2005, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, asked Maharishi why there are so many languages in the world.
Maharishi had mentioned 7000 different languages, and that each one has its own culture. ‘Why is there such a diversity?’ Dr Morris asked, ‘and how important are these languages for the creation of the beautiful time that you have said is now dawning for the world?’
Maharishi answered that this is because in a family, whatever is the property, it is shared by so many people in the family. ‘The family inherits that,’ Maharishi said. ‘Just like that is total Natural Law, which for its total reality exists in the field of the Transcendent, where there are no boundaries of space and time. Total Natural Law belongs to that wholeness; it belongs to that wholeness.
‘We can take another example: in an agriculture field, a one kilometre square belongs to wheat, another to rice, another to bananas; the patches belong to the same field. So the same fertility of one field appears in terms of different crops. “Different crops” mean different agencies of Natural Law expressing themselves on the one ground. Like that, total Natural Law expresses itself in different, different qualities.
‘Language is the result of reverberating physiology: the mouth, the throat, the lips, the tongue, the lungs—the whole physiology is involved in expressing a word. Wherever there is a word, that is the expression of total Natural Law with reference to that particular individual body.
‘Like a particular field—ten kilometres square here, twenty kilometres square there, a hundred kilometers square there—a particular area speaking the language indicates the administrator of that particular area in terms of that Natural Law.’
Maharishi went on to explain that from the languages, from the Mother Tongue, from the dialects continuing for thousands of years in one area, that area is constantly being administered by that specific phase of total Natural Law. ‘A particular aspect of total Natural Law is lively somewhere,’ he said.
‘These particular aspects or, we can say, specific units of it, are like the different size fingers of the palm. They are all fingers of different sizes, but they all have their common source in the palm. Like that, the cultural values of each area depend upon the specific culture, the specific Laws of Nature that are lively in that area. This is detected by us on the basis of the continuity of that particular dialect.
‘This is how we have come to know some specific Laws of Nature, which are a counterpart of total Natural Law, have been governing those areas. Now this gives us a “short cut” for our own direct analysis of total Natural Law. We go to that area and create a group [of Yogic Flyers] in that particular dialect—create a group here, create a group there.
‘Now we have 7,000 areas—small, small areas. Somewhere maybe a group of a hundred flying together will be enough; somewhere a group of ten flying together will be enough; somewhere a group of twenty flying together will be enough. Because we will be controlling that area’s force of gravity, which is the controller and administrator of life in that particular area, we find that our task [of creating coherence in collective consciousness] has been much reduced,’ Maharishi concluded.
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