by Global Good News staff writer
24 July 2009
On 1 October 1975, Maharishi spoke with the faculty of Maharishi University of Management (then known as Maharishi International University). On this occasion he spoke about how the Science of Creative Intelligence brings fulfilment to the goal of psychology.*
The goal of applied psychology is to relieve suffering and develop the full potential of every individual. Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence provides the basis for the achievements of both these goals.
Psychology arose in the scientific age as the first scientific approach to an understanding of consciousness. However, psychologists were unable to directly observe consciousness itself, and therefore they turned to the study of behaviour.
The Science of Creative Intelligence makes it possible to study consciousness objectively because it provides a reliable means of experiencing pure consciousness, the basis of the mind and behaviour, and of objectively defining this experience of pure consciousness through scientific research.
Psychologists in the field of applied psychology recognized the possibility of developing Unity Consciousness—self-realization—but they could not offer a systematic means of achieving this high level of development.
Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation brings fulfilment to applied psychology by providing a scientific, systematic, and natural procedure to develop full human potential.
‘The purpose of knowledge of the mind is to establish life in fulfilment, happiness, and harmony, by developing the full potential of the mind—and the potential of the mind is infinite,’ Maharishi said.
‘The Science of Creative Intelligence locates and stabilizes the state of least excitation of consciousness—the home of all the Laws of Nature, the field of all possibilities. This quiet level of consciousness is the ground for all thought and action,’ he said.
‘When the mind is established in the state of least excitation of consciousness, every thought, desire, and action is from the level of all possibilities. Then the fulfilment of desire becomes a permanent feature of life.’
The Science of Creative Intelligence brings fulfilment to the goal of psychology—to develop the full potential of the mind by establishing Unity Consciousness, the highest level of human development.
‘When the full potential of the mind is developed,’ Maharishi continued, ‘life will be lived in harmony with Nature; life will always be in the direction of evolution, and unrestricted progress will be enjoyed on every level—the individual, the society, the nation, and the world.
‘In Unity Consciousness one is able to appreciate the ultimate value of everything, which is pure consciousness. As the light of knowledge rises, harmony dominates perception, and the darkness of ignorance disappears.
‘The goal of psychology should be to develop higher states of consciousness in every individual. This is the natural consequence of the growth of knowledge about the mind.’
* This talk is also published in Maharishi’s series of pocket-sized books for educators, Maharishi Speaks to Educators: Mastery over Natural Law.
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