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‘Students, get to immortality within your own Self, in the experience of bliss consciousness, in the Unified Field, and you will be able to perpetuate peace in yourself and command situations and circumstances.'



Transcendental Consciousness—the target, the goal, and the process of education
by Global Good News staff writer
14 July 2009

During Maharishi’s Global Press Conference on 1 December 2004, Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science of Technology of the Global Country of World Peace and Raja of Invincible America, asked a question from the student press.

Maharishi had said in a previous conference that the best way to create peace is to meditate. By meditating and gaining enlightenment, students will create a peaceful world. Students then asked whether, in addition to the practice of Maharishi’s form of meditation, there are additional action steps and concrete things a student can do to accelerate the dawning of peace in the world?’ 

In his talk ‘How can students create peace?’ Maharishi explained that students should ‘deepen their experience of Transcendental Consciousness', in which he explained infinite silence and infinite dynamism are completely lively. This unified state of silence and dynamism is the Unified Field, one’s own Self, one’s own pure intelligence. It is the field of all possibilities, Maharishi said, a field of greatest satifsfaction, and ‘Natural action emerges from [this] state of no disturbance. . . . Only in the experience of total silence—and within that total silence, total dynamism—is that state of natural peace.’

In this article we continue Maharishi’s talk, about the Unified Field as the Constitution of the Universe. ‘This natural peace is the Unified Field [of Natural Law], the Constitution of the Universe,’ Maharishi said.  

‘What does it mean when we expand it? It means the orderly functioning of the infinitely expanding, ever-expanding galactic universe. The galactic universe is an expanding universe. It is not only a state of static or limited space and time value of satisfaction. It is unlimited satisfaction in the state of Total Knowledge, in the state of total organizing power.’  

Maharishi explained that the Unified Field is total organizing power, and its script is available in the Vedic Literature. ‘Veda is that which is Total Knowledge,’ Maharishi continued. ‘Total Knowledge is not in any way partial to silence or partial to dynamism. It is an impartial unified field of all possibilities, which fortunately, through the teachings of Guru Dev and the teachings of the Vedic Tradition of Masters, is available within one’s own self-referral, Transcendental Consciousness.  

‘This should be the target, the goal, and the process of education. With this, satisfied individuals will be created.’  

Maharishi then mentioned that earlier in this press conference on 1 December 2004, Dr John Hagelin had used the word ‘global citizenship’. ‘It is global citizenship when the potential universality of the individual is exhibited in single, isolated functioning,’ Maharishi said. ‘[This is] Vedic Education.’

Maharishi commented that every government has significance if it is capable of maintaining order and capable of creating satisfied, fulfilled, peaceful people. Otherwise, if the government is not competent to create fulfilled people, then it creates people who are unfulfilled.  

‘In their unfulfilled state, they [the people] commit actions, fully bound by time and space—within boundaries. Working within boundaries, they violate the most orderly structure of administration of the universe, which is almighty, omnipresent—present in every grain of creation—for all time, in all future, all past, and all present.’

Maharishi strongly encouraged students to ‘plunge into the Transcendental Meditation Programme. Spend an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening, wherever you are. Ask Dr Hagelin, and he can supply some teachers. Learn Transcendental Meditation. Eat proper, organic food.’

Addressing students directly, Maharishi said: ‘Students, get to immortality within your own Self in the experience of bliss consciousness in the Unified Field, and you will be able to perpetuate peace in yourself and command situations and circumstances. You will not be a slave of situations and circumstances. You will have mastery over Natural Law—mastery over situations and circumstances.’  

Maharishi said that students have to begin to practise Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques. ‘Yogic Flying is the proof of gaining command over Natural Law,’ he said. ‘It is a practical thing and not a thing of mysticism. It will not be achieved through lecturing, but through quietly diving within oneself. Diving within oneself means diving into the bliss of the Unified Field.  

‘The Unified Field is Satchitananda—[eternal, consciousness, and bliss]. It does not matter if it is a Sanskrit expression or an English expression; the reality, the content, and the material are the same, whether you call them the Will of God, the light of God, or Natural Law from science, physics, chemistry, biology, or any of the physical sciences, or any field of the science of consciousness.   

‘Children will not have it unless their parents, teachers, and friends lead them to it. Therefore, whosoever is in this position should understand that what is being offered from the level of science, consciousness, and religion is invincibility, immortality, eternity, totality, all possibilities.

‘That is our offer today, and we are proud of it,’ Maharishi concluded. ‘We have been saying this for the last fifty years, and now is the time.’

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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