Through proper education, it is possible live life fully in accordance with the evolutionary direction of Natural Law.
by Global Good News staff writer
17 June 2009
In a Global Press Conference in February 2003, Maharishi had said that governments should pass a law so that all students study Consciousness-Based Education. On 12 February, this statement brought a follow-up question to Maharishi that was: ‘Although I assume that meditation is part of the class, what else will the students learn? How will the class be different from a psychology class?’
Maharishi answered that study of Natural Law on the ground of Vedic Science is so systematic, so sequentially evolving, that Total Knowledge is available in the Self.
He explained that Total Knowledge is available ‘in the aspiration of every syllable of the Self.’ In the Rk Veda, which contains the total knowledge of Natural Law, one word contains the total field of Natural Law. The second word that follows, and third word that follows—this is the unfoldment of the Vedic Literature, Vedic Language.
From one letter comes the Constitution of the Universe, to the innumerable volumes of Natural Law. ‘The whole creation is an expression of Natural Law,’ Maharishi said. ‘So the study of Natural Law has to be such that whatever time a student has—a small time, a bigger time, a bigger time—he just expands on it, expands on it, expands on it.’
Maharishi commented that any other thing is a waste of the student’s life, ‘because when from the source of thought in his own mind, he can have the thought—the one letter which structures the thinking process, which brings out a thought—if that thought is supported by the total Natural Law, immediately the thought will be brought to fruition. The thought will be materialized. This education is the education of the Constitution of the Universe.
‘This is Vedic Education,’ Maharishi continued, ‘which enables the student to consciously have his attention at the basis of the thought, and spontaneously that level of thinking has total Natural Law to support it on the conscious level, on the conscious level.’
Maharishi went on to explain that every thought starts from there, but if the conscious awareness is not open to that particular source of thought, ‘then the source of thought misses the total application of Natural Law. So the education should be to spontaneously utilize the total creative potential of Natural Law. The total creative potential of Natural Law is available to every mind at the source of thought.’
Transcendental Meditation takes the awareness to that level, and regular practice of it—‘and the knowledge of the Self there,’ Maharishi said—‘take the in total Creative Intelligence of Natural Law to support the thought.
‘This skill of thinking is the main thing that should be the product of education. Otherwise, education is a flop. It is possible for human awareness, it is possible for the awareness of every student to get familiarity with the source of thought and from that level have the support of total Natural Law promoting the thought. The thought will be fulfilled without resistances, without problems, without any negativity. This education is the proper education.
‘When we say “through proper education” it is possible to have life lived in full accord with the evolutionary direction of Natural Law, life should be like that. When every thought and speech and action is in the evolutionary direction, no one will make a problem for himself and for his environment. That is our strength and it is possible to do so.
‘So much scientific research has been done in the past 40 or 50 years, ever since I have been teaching this Transcendental Meditation.
‘Transcendental Meditation is one aspect of it. Now we are talking of the language, talking of the Vedic language, where every word, and before that every letter, has the total creative potential of Natural Law. It is possible to create a man whose desires will be fulfilled, whose desires will be fulfilled.
‘This is what we say prevention-oriented, problem-free administration through education. It is a very beautiful theme of culturing the mind. It is a very beautiful theme of culturing human brain physiology and thereby putting the total intelligence of Natural Law to work out the practicality of every thought, materialization of every thought, which is helpful for everyone.
‘All religions, all religious texts, every aspect of knowledge has this pious goal of any individual not to face problems, any society not to face problems. any nation not to face problems, no one to face problems. Somehow we have the knowledge, and we are promoting it. . . .
‘We are doing everything that is possible from our side. And we are asking for the support from all over the world. So let us all come together to create such a possibility for life on earth.’
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