The principles of the Science of Creative Intelligence have a parallel in the structure and function of DNA, which is a source of orderliness for living organisms.
by Global Good News staff writer
8 June 2009
At the twenty-second International Symposium on the Science of Creative Intelligence (SCI), held in Amsterdam, Holland, on 1 February 1975, Maharishi explained that the Science of Creative Intelligence reveals that activity is structured in knowledge and knowledge is structured in consciousness. ‘The quality of consciousness determines the quality of knowledge and thereby the quality of action,’ he said.
During Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique, pure consciousness is experienced as the state of pure orderliness, and the source of orderliness in the fields of knowledge and action.
Scientists at the conference spoke with Maharishi about the source of orderliness for all living organisms that is in the DNA. The cell knows how to read the language of DNA, a sequence of chemical ‘letters’ that carries a tremendous amount of information or knowledge.
The knowledge contained in the DNA enables the organism to maintain a high degree of orderliness and to increase its level of orderliness even in an environment characterized by disorder. The orderliness of the DNA is derived from food, which is an orderly source of energy. Food has been described as ‘negative entropy,’ or negative disorder, which is used to structure all other levels of orderliness observed in living systems.
Maharishi then explained how ‘the three levels of life—activity, knowledge, and consciousness—described by the Science of Creative Intelligence have their parallels in biology: the level of activity in the cell, the level of knowledge in DNA, and the level of pure orderliness, or pure intelligence, in food.
‘The ability to evolve, the ability to accumulate information in the course of time,’ Maharishi said, ‘is structured within the DNA. This process occurs through mechanisms that are purposeful and intelligent.
‘The ability to evolve is such a basic characteristic of life that modern biologists have defined life as a system capable of genetic learning, genetic evolution. This corresponds with the description of life from the Science of Creative Intelligence: life is an ever-growing and unfolding pattern of order of Creative Intelligence.’
The practical aspect of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence, the Transcendental Meditation Programme, makes use of the evolutionary nature of life to effortlessly lead the mind to the state of pure orderliness, pure consciousness or Transcendental Consciousness, within. ‘Pure consciousness then expresses itself into knowledge that spontaneously leads to evolutionary action, success, and fulfilment,’ Maharishi said.
Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence is a master science. ‘It provides a profound description of the Laws of Nature, bringing to light basic principles that are found in all science.’ Maharishi concluded. ‘In the practice of Transcendental Meditation, the Science of Creative Intelligence also presents a profound application of the Laws of Nature to promote evolution in life.’
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