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The practice of the Transcendental Meditation provides the missing foundation of education, which is the experience of pure consciousness, the field of the knower, the common basis of all knowledge and learning.



Developing unbounded awareness through the Transcendental Meditation Programme
by Global Good News staff writer
9 June 2009

Both the process of learning and the application of knowledge in daily life depend on the purity, clarity, and sensitivity of awareness. Through the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique, the awareness becomes unbounded and the range of comprehension becomes infinite.

During a course held at Humboldt State College, in California, USA in August 1971, Maharishi spoke further about this, saying that Transcendental Consciousness is the quiet, steady state of the mind in which perception is very clear, resulting in fuller appreciation of the object of perception.

‘Developing unbounded awareness through Transcendental Meditation is the basis for gaining flawless knowledge,’ Maharishi said. ‘Unbounded awareness is that state of awareness in which no boundaries or restrictions exist in the mind or in the heart. Unbounded awareness is necessary in order to utilize maximum Creative Intelligence for anything we want to accomplish.’

Maharishi then quoted from Chapter 2, verse 48 of the Bhagavad-Gita, ‘Established in Being, that pure unbounded awareness, perform action.’

‘Action will then always be spontaneously right and evolutionary’—meaning action that produces life-supporting influences in the whole environment—‘because every action of the individual influences the whole creation,’ Maharishi said. ‘The quality of the influence of action reflects the quality of the actor.’

Through the practice of Transcendental Meditation, stress in the nervous system is dissolved and the ability to maintain pure awareness grows, thereby creating a natural ability to perform action while ‘established in Being’.

Right action means action that is not harmful to anyone, that is most creative, and that achieves maximum results.

Maharishi then explained that the technique for plunging into dynamic activity is first to minimize the activity, because ‘silence is the basis of action. This is like pulling back the arrow on the bow in order to give it a powerful momentum; it is the technique to do less and accomplish more,’ he said.

‘All action arises from thought, and all thought arises from the state of pure silence,’ Maharishi continued. Transcendental Meditation provides the experience of the source of thought, which is the state of pure silence. Transcendental Meditation is ‘therefore the technique for plunging into dynamic activity,’ he said.

‘When awareness opens to the non-changing Absolute, which is the basis of all changing values in creation, all the Laws of Nature begin to support every impulse of one’s desire. Then life is lived in the evolutionary direction and is free from problems,’ Maharishi continued.

‘The mind has a natural tendency to rest. In the state of deep sleep the mind is restful but not alert. In the state of Transcendental Consciousness, the mind is also restful but at the same time fully alert. This state is non-active but contains the potentiality for great dynamism.’

All problems in life arise from weakness of the mind—the inability to comprehend a wide range. The practice of Transcendental Meditation, by expanding one’s comprehension, provides the solution to all problems.

‘Since every field of knowledge is connected with some specific aspect of life,’ Maharishi continued, ‘it is necessary that every man gain all knowledge in order to live life in fulfilment.’

However, the knowledge of every discipline is expanding at such a rapid rate that it is physically impossible for any individual to take advantage of all this knowledge.

Pure consciousness, the field of the knower, is the common basis of all knowledge and learning. By opening the awareness to that common meeting point of all disciplines, we can derive the benefit of all knowledge without having to go through the study of each discipline in details. This is the fulfilment of interdisciplinary studies.

‘The object of knowledge can never be known in its reality if the knower, which is the first point of reference in the process of gaining knowledge, is not known,’ Maharishi said.

‘Every discipline is taught on the basis of language, which is the communication of thought. Transcendental Meditation opens to direct cognition the development of speech from the source of thought. This provides the missing foundation of education,’ he concluded.

Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence, which has arisen from the teaching of Transcendental Meditation throughout the world, systematically investigates the nature of Creative Intelligence and develops the spontaneous ability to make maximum use of Creative Intelligence.

The Science of Creative Intelligence will structure a society free from weakness and problems for all progress and achievement in life.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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