Students find that Transcendental Meditation helps them blossom in beautiful, positive qualities and enjoy their lives more.
by Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA, The Review, article entitled: "Student Publishes Article in Book"
17 March 2009
First-year student Ellora Hans-Price has a short article about her experience as a Maharishi School student in a book published in February by Health Communications, Inc., publishers of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Jon & Jayne's Guide to Getting Through School (Mostly Intact) offers advice to teens related to school life — hallways and classrooms, athletic field and lunchroom, teachers and classes, homework and studying, cliques and crushes.
It includes short articles by students about their experiences in school. Ms. Hans-Price, who was invited by the authors to submit an article, wrote about how Maharishi School integrates the Transcendental Meditation technique into the curriculum, what the technique entails, and the positive effects it has.
"TM has made my school career easy and enjoyable and is one of the most rewarding things I do with my time," she concluded.
The book, the third in a series by the authors, is available on Amazon.com.
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