The president of a prestigious cultural organization offers an honorary award to Dr Deans at the end of a brilliant presentation he gave to top educators and leaders of society.

Lecture to over 500 students at a high school in Lebanon.

The principal, teachers and students with Dr Deans at the end of an inspiring lecture.

The members of the board of Directors of the Arab University Alumni Association after a beautiful presentation on Consciousness-Based Education by Dr Deans.
by Global Good News staff writer
25 March 2009
As a result of his presentations to government officials and educators in both secondary and higher education, and to thousands of students in 25 of the top schools and universities in the country in November 2008, seven schools are currently interested in introducing Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness-Based Education to their students, totaling around 4,000 students.
One school principal, already a practitioner of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme, has signed a letter of intent to introduce Transcendental Meditation to all her students and teachers. The school has several hundred students, and official approval to introduce Maharishi’s programmes in this school has been obtained.
Another school principal has agreed to introduce Transcendental Meditation to his students at the beginning of the academic year in October 2009. The school has around 500 students.
Five other schools interested in the programme are seriously considering the practical steps of implementation, including funding and other details.
Dr Deans gave two very successful television interviews, each lasting for about half an hour; he was also interviewed by some of the major newspapers of the country resulting in several excellent articles.
Consciousness-Based Education has been shown to enliven the full creative potential and inner happiness of every student and teacher, to eliminate stress, and to enliven total brain functioning. The key technologies of this educational system are the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.
Consciousness-Based Education is non-sectarian, and is easily integrated into any public or private school without making extensive changes to the existing curriculum or schedule. When implemented fully within a school, not only do the individual teachers and students flourish; the entire school atmosphere becomes harmonious, happy, safe, and conducive to learning.
Hundreds of scientific research studies and educational outcomes of more than 200 Consciousness-Based Education schools throughout the world document the profound benefits of the programme for students, teachers, and administrators of all cultural and educational backgrounds.
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