Consciousness-Based Education promotes holistic brain functioning and expansion of mental capabilities. Students are more harmonious in their relationships and more mature in moral judgment, compared to students at other educational institutions.
by Global Good News staff writer
13 March 2009
In September 2004, the Discovery Channel* visited Maharishi Vedic City and Maharishi University of Management to interview scientists and students about Maharishi’s programme to create world peace.
The visit included a demonstration of Maharishi’s Yogic Flying technique. The programme they prepared following this visit was broadcast in 154 countries and viewed by an estimated 220 million people.
The reporter from the Discovery Channel asked Maharishi why so many people in the world choose war over peace?’
Maharishi answered that it is the lack of proper development of their brain functioning. ‘This means lack of education,’ Maharishi said. ‘Present education is very isolated,’ he said, ‘it does not make the whole brain function properly.
‘The human brain has the capability of engaging total Natural Law. The infinite creativity of total Natural Law can be enlivened by every human being. We are sponsoring this education to develop higher states of consciousness, Unity Consciousness, so that every mind in the world can function from the total creative potential of Natural Law.’
Maharishi explained it is the present system of education that is faulty, because education is very incomplete. ‘It does not awaken the functioning of all the fine fabrics of the brain,’ he said.
‘Unfortunately, it is the government that regulates education. The whole system of high school, BA, MA, and PhD is a human concept of education, which is very limited and full of human shortcomings and failings. . . .
‘Bringing the right solution—proper education—will do the job. We have been ringing the bell of proper education, total education through the unfoldment of the transcendental reality, total Natural Law.’
For about twenty years, Maharishi dealt with the consciousness of the individual, having been completely convinced that it is possible to awaken the ‘sleeping people.’
‘Now we have taken to dealing with collective consciousness for the last ten years or so,’ he said. ‘Physical science has come to support with the knowledge of the Unified Field.’
Maharishi recommended that the press listen to Raja John Hagelin’s introduction to this Press Conference, ‘day after day, and night after night—to write it and listen to it until they have created a proper world worth living in.
‘You don’t have to call for new language, new logic, or new knowledge—no,’ Maharishi told the press.
‘In the exposition of today’s introductory remarks in this world press conference, John Hagelin has said everything that is completely good enough for all times for the world, and for the newspapers, until a proper world consciousness has been created and every government has risen to invincibility.’
* The Discovery Channel is an American satellite and cable TV channel which is also delivered in other parts of the world. It provides documentary programming focused primarily on popular science, technology, and history.
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