Education should give
students the
technology of commanding the infinite field of dynamism from the level of silence, which is transcendental, beyond space and time limitations
by Global Good News staff writer
20 May 2009
In one of his Global Press Conferences in December 2004, Maharishi explained that the ability to fulfil one’s desires is the key to living an invincible life. He said that when a desire is consciously created at the source of thought, the ocean of consciousness, then that desire will be fulfilled because it has the support of all the Laws of Nature.
In this talk from the Global Press Conference on 15 December 2004, as a followup to what he had said previously, Maharishi was asked what kind of desire will be created from the source of thought? Will it be an individual’s desire or God’s desire?
‘Every desire is for fulfilment,’ Maharishi answered. ‘The source of desire is the ocean—an ocean rising up in a wave. A wave may be rising, but not knowing that the point of rising itself is the source, is the goal of it. When the wave settles down, then it is the ocean. When it rises into something, then it becomes isolated, and comes in space and time.
‘When it sinks, it goes beyond boundaries, beyond space and time, and always, because the essential nature of life is unbounded, infinity, all possibilities, the Unified Field. If this silence at the source of thought is open to our awareness, then our awareness is the field of all possibilities. Just this is education.’
Maharishi then explained that you train the mind to think anything, ‘but consciously at the source of thought’. He said that thoughts ‘arise as the winds of the environment’. One experiences through the senses—the eyes see, one speaks, and one touches something on the surface. ‘The thoughts float from one area of the surface to the other area of the surface. This is the life of sensory perception.’
He said that when one transcends, one gets to the source of all thoughts. ‘The source of all seeing is in that field which is the basis of all, the source of thought, the source of hearing, the source of touch, the source of all the five senses. And that is within everyone. This is education.’
Whatever we want in the field of vision, one must go to the source of thought from where the vision begins, and ‘then you will be able to see anything within your Self,’ Maharishi continued. ‘If you want to speak something, then you go to the transcendental field, your source of thought. Your source of thought will consciously give you a springboard, which will be supported by all the Laws of Nature. This is education. This is Vedic Education, where you can have what you want within your Self.’
Maharishi explained that ‘you can have everything at the source of everything in your own Transcendental Consciousness,’ which is the field of all knowledge, all possibilities, all intelligence—the field of sovereignty, the field of invincibility.
‘That is our achievement in all these thirty, forty, fifty years in the world,’ he said. ‘We have tried here and there, and now we have come to a level where it is very, very easy and natural and definite that the conscious mind could be thinking consciously at the source of thought, the transcendental field of life.’
The transcendental field of life is the field of the Veda, which Maharishi defined to be the Constitution of the Universe, the Laws of Nature that conduct Nature. He said that ‘conduct Nature’ means all the galactic universe—‘here, there, everywhere, all these specimens of days and nights, the moving and non-moving, and all that is there in an unmanifest manner.’
‘Yoga, Samadhi, and Transcendental Consciousness are all synonymous words; they mean the same thing,’ Maharishi continued. ‘In our Vedic Universities, Universities of Peace. . . the whole thing is in opening the source of thought, Transcendental Consciousness, the field of Atma, the field of the Unified Field, to our single awareness. Open it to awareness, and then we have the master key to all knowledge. We will be able to do anything.’
Maharishi then explained that the Vedic ordainment for action is ‘Yogasthah kuru karmani’—established in the state of Unity, established in the Unified Field, perform action.
‘When you are established in the Unified Field, then your action is the performance of the Unified Field,’ he said. ‘The performance of the Unified Field is the expression of the whole creation—the infinite number of suns and galaxies, and the huge, enormous, ever-expanding universe. You are there as the initiator, as the silent doer of the whole universal administration.
‘“Silent doer” means you do not do, but what happens is the administration of the universe. This is education.
‘We want everyone in the world, and every nation in the world, to be fortunate to have the custody of the tremendously powerful, invincible field of Total Knowledge, which is silently administering the universe. It is silently administering life everywhere—silently, automatically, simply, naturally achieving all that one could ever want to achieve. This is education. This is Vedic Education.
‘“Vedic Education” means education of Total Knowledge. [It’s a] very beautiful education. Don’t worry about what we call that education. . . . It is very parental for every government to have this Total Knowledge in their schools, colleges, universities. . . .
‘The main thing is conscious awareness of the totality of the Constitution of the Universe, the totality of Natural Law, which is so simple through this programme.’
Maharishi said that we want to bring fulfilment to the millions of desires of the people, or billions of desires of the millions of people, through education. ‘Education should primarily be the experience of the Self. Once the experience of the Self is there, the child will succeed in anything he would want to do—whatever—because Natural Law will do all that he can do. Everything will be done by thought.
‘This is the brilliance of Vedic Education: simply spoken, the education of Total Natural Law, the education of how to use silence to command infinite dynamism. This is the technology. The technology of commanding the infinite field of dynamism is from the level of silence. Because silence is transcendental, it is not limited by space and time limitations.
‘Education: how soon we would want our children everywhere in every country to get into this Total Knowledge. Parents will be fortunate to give children Total Knowledge. Do not deprive them of Total Knowledge, which is their birthright.’
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