'Veda and Vedic Education includes the whole path of knowledge from the knower to the known—the whole field of subjectivity, objectivity, and the relationship between them.'
by Global Good News staff writer
2 November 2009
Maharishi’s book Maharishi Vedic University: Introductionexplains the value of Vedic Education.
Vedic means ‘pertaining to Veda’—knowledge, pure knowledge, complete knowledge—knowledge of the unmanifest value of ‘Total Natural Law’ deep within the silent Self of everyone, and knowledge of the manifest expressions of Natural Law as all the Laws of Nature and the entire multifold, ever-expanding universe.
This very abstract experience becomes concrete through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying.
Maharishi explains in his book Maharishi Vedic University: Introduction that the structure and function of Veda—the structure and function of Natural Law—embody the system or law that organizes order and promotes the processes of creation and evolution.
This is how pure knowledge, Veda, in itself is the potential of organizing power, and as knowledge has organizing power, pure knowledge, complete knowledge, has infinite organizing power. ‘Veda is the structure of pure knowledge that has infinite organizing power,’ Maharishi said.
In his book Maharishi explains that Veda encompasses the whole range of science and technology; ‘it is theory and practice at the same time.’ Veda is the structure of total knowledge, the togetherness—or in Sanskrit, the Samhita of Rishi, Devata, and Chandas, the , process of observation, and object of observation; the knower, process of knowing, and that which is known.
‘Therefore Veda and Vedic Education includes the whole path of knowledge from the knower to the known—the whole field of subjectivity, objectivity, and the relationship between them; the whole field of life, unmanifest and manifest, the whole field of ‘Being’ and ‘becoming,’ and the whole range of knowledge from its source to its goal—the eternal source, course, and goal of all knowledge.’ Maharishi said.
The word ‘Vedic’ encompasses the whole unbounded field of space and time, from point to infinity.
Maharishi Vedic University means the University of Veda, university of pure knowledge and its infinite organizing power, the university of pure and applied knowledge, the University of Maharishi’s Vedic Science and Technology.
Maharishi Vedic University, and, indeed, all the universities founded by Maharishi, offer his Vedic Science and Technology for everyone to enjoy the ‘fruit of all knowledge.’
Maharishi’s defines ‘fruit of all knowledge’ as the ability to live mistake-free life in higher states of consciousness; daily life in full accord with all the Laws of Nature, with the spontaneous ability to do everything right and to achieve anything.
Applied in the context of today’s science-based education, this system of education—development of higher states of consciousness and enlightenment for every student—is the fulfilment of the age-long quest of the wise to create a fully developed man for an ideal society.
At Maharishi Vedic University students study and perform research in consciousness, their own inner intelligence and organizing power. This integrated system of education, which integrates the knowledge and experience of consciousness with the traditional academic disciplines, and the unmanifest and manifest values of Natural Law—enlivening both within the awareness of the student—is the most fundamental way to to make university education meaningful and improve the quality of life in every country.
Through education at universities founded by Maharishi, first the full creative genius of the student is unfolded, and then he receives professional training so that he does not make mistakes in his private or professional life.
‘University education in today’s world is only “job oriented”,’ Maharishi said. ‘It is not life oriented. That is why higher education does not serve the grand purpose of developing higher states of consciousness. This is the reason for the lack of enlightenment in society. All problems of any country are the problems of education—incomplete education.
‘For all success in the unbounded field of action, complete knowledge of consciousness [and Natural Law] is necessary.’
This requirement of complete, practical knowledge for spontaneous right thought and action is uniquely fulfilled at Maharishi Vedic University and all the schools and universities founded by Maharishi.
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